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New Metal Member
Sep 1, 2008
Why the hell does every metal band these days have to carry the following traits in order to gain respect:

-have a vocalist who is considered talented because he can "growl" the deepest and squeal like a tasty barnyard animal

-tune to fucking drop-down-negative A

-have a gorilla drummer whos sole purpose in life is being the fastest at blast beats and kicking along to the unimaginitive open palm-muted chorus

-include a neanderthalic "breakdown" in every one of their clone-songs

What the fuck has happened to the metal scene? All I see is empty-heads who listen to techno on the side and claim to be able to "growl deeper than fucking anyone". Has every metalhead simply lost their imagination and turned mentally blind? I feel I must make a plea for something new and decent. Not the same shitty, predictable breakdowns again and again and again. Originality is lacking, especailly here in Melbourne where I am surrounded by such a LAME "metal" scene.

To all relevant parties: Quit bragging because you bought a seven string and claim to growl deeper than the grand fucking canyon. Stop following, learn about your individual selves, and start composing your OWN music!!!!!!!! Give me something new!! Prove to me that you're not as shallow as you seem!!

I apologise if this has been said before or whatever, but I needed to let it out of myself.
I think you're talking about Deathcore, kid. I listen to a lot of up and coming metal bands that don't do breakdowns at all, some that do singing vocals, and many that have innovative drum work. You need to find some better metal bands.
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