Who do you think is the asshole here?

Who do you think is the asshole here?

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People are going to get on stage during a concert, what is he going on about a computer. I watched the vid a few days ago. I use to listen to Crowbar once in awile, but that is the most stupid shit I have ever seen. I probably will not listen to Broken Glass or Odd Fellows Rest again after seeing that shit.
As I work in security myself, I know that there was absolutely no need for that tackle. In fact, you only need common sense to see that!
Security made top notch hassle from a situation that could have potentially resolved its-self, and I bet his supervisor was not happy about the turn of events.

If need be, I'm sure the highest point of action to be taken could have been merely escorting the lad off-stage.

Sometimes I feel like Yelloweyedemon is my troll account that lives its own life and I'm not even aware of it, hence the spelling mistakes and the unreal stupidity that seems so made up. However, I would have to fucking applaud myself, if we're at the point of applauding each other in this thread.

Oh fuck they got us! Damn!

Now tell me, do I have to fucking kill myself to make you go away? Or will you kindly fuck off just because everyone thinks you're an annoying fucking retard?

I laughed so fucking hard at this
The dude shouldn't be on the stage anyway, but it was clear he was going to jump. The security guard for some reason did not get that same impression. It wasn't necessary to tackle him. The singer probably kicked him because he was annoyed in the moment and just reacted without thinking. He made a good point afterwards and did not drag on what he wanted to say. The kick was unnecessary, but I can understand his actions. It's a live show, there's aggressive music, and the adrenaline is pumping. I don't think anyone is an "asshole" for anything in this video, I don't know them personally, but I believe they all did something uncalled for. Shit happens.
The singer. What kind of giant douche bag kicks someone in the head that has just been tackled to the ground and then stops playing to bitch about it? Crowbar sucks and should only be playing dive bars anyways.