Who do you think is the best thrash metal vocalist?

Your taste is one that I find pretty questionable despite your assertions that everyone else is not on your level. I'm probably not alone in this.
Remove the tungsten flagpole from your rectum and stop using it as a substitute for your spine. If you were any more stuffy about shit, I'd have confused you for my sinuses. Not once have I asserted my taste as superior to others on this forum in a manner that was anything aside from facetious.
We generally have pretty agreeable tastes on the whole anyway, we're just never going to agree on Anthrax, Pantera and a lot of the hardrock you've mentioned liking as they're generally just not my thing.
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Remove the tungsten flagpole from your rectum and stop using it as a substitute for your spine. If you were any more stuffy about shit, I'd have confused you for my sinuses. Not once have I asserted my taste as superior to others on this forum in a manner that was anything aside from facetious.

You routinely get bent out of shape and write overly verbose essays of uptight faggot rhetoric when people don't agree with you about stupid bands like Dokken. I don't give a shit if you find my posts stuffy or uninteresting.
Hes a very good straight up harsh vocalist that grinds on your ears and lacks melody. I can see why many might not like him very much but i find him preferable to Tom Araya as a more brutal thrash vocalist.
Pretty much. Other thrash vocalists like Chuck Billy might be more technically proficient, which I love, don't get me wrong, god bless 'em, but my preference has always aligned with rougher thrash singers like Steve Souza, Paul Baloff, Mille Petrozza, and Tommy Angelripper.
You routinely get bent out of shape and write overly verbose essays of uptight faggot rhetoric when people don't agree with you about stupid bands like Dokken. I don't give a shit if you find my posts stuffy or uninteresting.
"Bent out of shape" Oh my, another person who thinks I take the Internet with anything short of a brine excavation of salt. I'll have serious disccusions over bands I like, sure, that doesn't mean I'll pretend someone is being deathly serious over something they're clearly making comedic light out of in any other way than purely accidentally. It was clear as day that I was deriding Phylactery for shits and giggles and not over an unwarranted sense of superiority. Your posts are fine actually, but I'm going to call you on your shit if you try to make something more than it is.
Cool. You'll always be an uptight faggot who tries too hard to be verbose from where I'm standing.

I'm not concerned about being called out on the internet so do whatever you want.
Cool. You'll always be an uptight faggot who tries too hard to be verbose from where I'm standing.

I'm not concerned about being called out on the internet so do whatever you want.
Given this is my natural pattern of speech, it barely requires any mental exertion on my end, much less "trying too hard". Call me uptight as many times as you like, it ain't Beetlejuice sugar, it's not going to pop into existence. I don't expect you to care, but I have a low tolerance for bullshit so I'll likely do it anyhow.
I'd honestly love to meet this guy IRL so I can see if he sounds as uptight in person. Nobody actually talks like that and I doubt he does either, especially because he only posts like that when he wants his posts to come across a certain way.
Oops. You quoted a typo that I edited immediately after posting. I'm so lame.

I bet that I could find a typo in one of your posts, but that doesn't really matter to me.
We generally have pretty agreeable tastes on the whole anyway, we're just never going to agree on Anthrax, Pantera and a lot of the hardrock you've mentioned liking as they're generally just not my thing.
Exactly. And that's fine, there's more than likely a good deal of artists you like that I'd sooner gouge out my ears with a serrated ice pick before being subjected to.