Who else is drunk?

im was on academic probation last semester because my grades from first semester were poor. my grades for the next semester were far better but that didnt help matters and i got my aid from the school taken away.

leaving this place after this semester and taking the next semester off to work. my dad's banking on me going back to school in the fall (we'll just see how that turns out) and constantly reminding me what my GPA needs to be and how much better i need to do. no pressure or anything :yell:

Yeah I don't blame you, it's a hole that you can't almost dig yourself out of. I won't be able to even before I graduate... So I will be on suspension even after I graduate lol...

Perhaps your luck will be better then mine :rock:.

Hmm, they definitely could have communicated that much better. Which is usually where schools screw students.

I shall have a drink for ye.

:kickass: yup, I almost think they did it on purpose but I'm pretty paranoid about those things so...
who knows. i mean, for a while my train of thought was that i'd be fine with just not resuming school and working like ... forever. i mean, that still isn't the worst thing i could do but am thinking that i don't wanna totally screw myself out of anything.

i just am ridiculously pessimistic about the idea of going back to school after giving up on this place. ugg.
At the end of the day, I think it's all about what you want out of life. If school is merely a means to financial success, then you have to approach it that way. If it's an experience you want to have, well, that can be approached in multiple ways as well.

Parents never believe this, though.
Time off does help though and it doesn't mean you won't go back if it is truly for you. I had a friend who took a whole year off because gen chem freaked him out or something lol, it was a hard class, but he went back for a completely different major and seems to like it. But if you don't want to go back I wouldn't, life is too short to be stressed out the entire time.
I'm now outside with the laptop, my whisky, and a cigar. It is a most pleasant night....

... except for this beeping. Like when a truck is in reverse, three beeps over and over... very loud. Can't tell where it's coming from, but it's been going on for three days now. You just know someone is going to snap and gun down the neighborhood.
The beeping isn't the laptop, it's somewhere in the neighborhood. About a street over...

The laptop is an older Dell I was given when I started Grad School
I'm now outside with the laptop, my whisky, and a cigar. It is a most pleasant night....

... except for this beeping. Like when a truck is in reverse, three beeps over and over... very loud. Can't tell where it's coming from, but it's been going on for three days now. You just know someone is going to snap and gun down the neighborhood.

Go door-to-door until you find the guy closest to the beeping, who will most likely have bloodshot eyes, a tinfoil hat and will smell like old sex. That's how you know what description to give the cops when your neighbors start getting blown away.

Also, the description to give to your local Jehovah's Witnesses. Tell them the poor guy needs saving, then watch the fun begin.
Last week I had to write a comparative essay for engrish class. I compared Dawn of the Dead (the original) to the Dawn of the Dead (remake) and I gots 100% on it, and the teacher wanted to keep it to show off to classes in the future! hahahahha "You really know your zombies" he said.
who knows. i mean, for a while my train of thought was that i'd be fine with just not resuming school and working like ... forever. i mean, that still isn't the worst thing i could do but am thinking that i don't wanna totally screw myself out of anything.

i just am ridiculously pessimistic about the idea of going back to school after giving up on this place. ugg.

I thought this at one point too, then went to work for like 5 years, and just now am back in school. It gave me plenty of time to think, now I appreciate the learning, whereas before I was just doing it "because I had to." Definitely come to the decision on your own terms!
At the end of the day, I think it's all about what you want out of life. If school is merely a means to financial success, then you have to approach it that way. If it's an experience you want to have, well, that can be approached in multiple ways as well.

Parents never believe this, though.
exactly. they just have entirely too much faith in the ability they think i have. they think i know that i'm doing and have a direction in life.

i mean, i know i should consider myself lucky that my parents are understanding and supportive enough to pay an obscene amount of money for me to go to school for something as tentative and honestly insubstantial as creative writing and aren't making me go for nursing or biology or something sure to get me a job. i am lucky but ... i dunno, i guess because of that i had to be the one to realize what would be the most practical decision ... of course, that only came after wasting said money for a year and a half.
Go door-to-door until you find the guy closest to the beeping, who will most likely have bloodshot eyes, a tinfoil hat and will smell like old sex. That's how you know what description to give the cops when your neighbors start getting blown away.

Also, the description to give to your local Jehovah's Witnesses. Tell them the poor guy needs saving, then watch the fun begin.
Last week I had to write a comparative essay for engrish class. I compared Dawn of the Dead (the original) to the Dawn of the Dead (remake) and I gots 100% on it, and the teacher wanted to keep it to show off to classes in the future! hahahahha "You really know your zombies" he said.
hahhaha fuck yes. i'm totally gonna try to work the upcoming zombie walk into some paper... if not for my philosophy class, definately something for my fiction or poetry writing seminars.
Last week I had to write a comparative essay for engrish class. I compared Dawn of the Dead (the original) to the Dawn of the Dead (remake) and I gots 100% on it, and the teacher wanted to keep it to show off to classes in the future! hahahahha "You really know your zombies" he said.

I'd be keen to read it. :)
Zombies should be part of every educatational endeavor.

I wrote a paper in which I treated the zombie as modern allegory for cultural conditioning. Namely, desensitization towards brutality, mindless following, and unrestrained appetites. Luckily for me, Shaun of the Dead came out right as I was in the midst of the first draft and turned into the exact reference I needed.
Zombies should be part of every educatational endeavor.

For sure.

I wrote a paper in which I treated the zombie as modern allegory for cultural conditioning. Namely, desensitization towards brutality, mindless following, and unrestrained appetites. Luckily for me, Shaun of the Dead came out right as I was in the midst of the first draft and turned into the exact reference I needed.

That's pretty damn cool. For years I've thought of the original Dawn... and all other Romero zombie flicks as being a social satire on different topics. Not an original viewpoint, I know, but at least it adds more depth to a seemingly inane and obscene-for-obscenity's sake subject.
He would be the first to tell you he was using zombie as a commentary on, of all things, the socially disadvantaged and "cannibalistic" nature of society. Either way, it's only the gore and madness that makes it work, I would say.

Zombies. Gotta love 'em.
Indeed. For if any satirical critique is to level such weighty claims, then using extreme, often highly exaggerated or surreal examples can be the most effective means of doing so.
Yeah! I'll have to type it up. I only have a printout right now since this teacher is making us all do these essays spur of the moment in class, and so far haven't taken in the flashdrive to save it for meself (here's a good inspiration to start doing that) but I shall get it retyped.