who goin ta Lamour 3/14?

sorry everyone with my ignance. I was told by phone person 9 0 clock, and thus figured that like 8 of the smaller bands would get short sets and play on the smaller stage while only seven witches and symph would play on the larger stage and thus have longer sets. Ive been to Lamour for my bro's band, The New Mexikans, and Otep and one other were playing that night (completely horrible) on the other stage while like 6 bands were playin on the stage that TNM were playing on. And i dont wear my Symph X V shirt to prove something, just to represent holmes! I dont feel the need to represent when im at their show. BTW, the guitarist of The New Mexikans (remember above) will be at the show, and he is an amazing shred guitarist, (not that that's all he plays), but he's a cool guy and people should meet him and get to know the band. They're not proggy or anything, but the guitarist works in solos in every song and shreds alot. It aint shit rock. Whatever, I have de-railed. See ya'll tonight!
Well, I think we all know now that SymX simply shredded the place last night...and once again I got home at 3:30 in the morning. Ahhh, L'amours! :)

Anyway, here's the setlist for those who're wondering:
King of Terrors
Church of the Machine
Communion And the Oracle
The Accolade--->
Accolade II
Out of the Ashes
The Death of Balance
Smoke And Mirrors
Sea of Lies
Eyes of Medusa
Of Sins And Shadows