Who has the balls?? [MUSICIANS LOOK HERE]


Indefinite Entity
Sep 27, 2006
Unsure and Inexact
To hook up with me and work on movie soundtracks/scoring?

Who here has the skills and the time? I know you guys are one of the few groups that can actually fucking put out quality work on an album unlike most of places that just talk about it and do nothing or just suck dick in the process.

As some of you might know, I am entering a pretty intense film program this year and it would be nice to have some epic scoring to go along with a big project to add that extra element of win. There is nothing in stone right now, and wouldn't be for a while but I was wondering who would be interested in doing something like THAT? Must be someone that honestly thinks they have the time and skills to pull off something great.

I'm not only looking for one person, if there's multiple people interested the workload could be split depending on what you're most comfortable with doing and what kind of "mood" you think you could BEST convey through music.
Good chance to get your name out there as well!

Post your thoughts here prease!
I might be able to work some stuff out for you. I can do cheesy, emotional stuff pretty easily.
My computer-bits are on order and I'll have my PC up and running the end of the week.

Posting to express interest...msn teim
I can playz the guitarz well. I have like 50mb of guitar pro 5 shit thats going no where fast, but was epic enough for me to tab.
Not really look for teh metuhl, it depends on the scene and the tone but metal isn't a very good genre for film imo, only works in certain circumstances. But orchestral sounds pretty good, send me some shit when you got time. And TheKid, you can feel free to send some shit along too if you'd like. Both of you feel free to just to show me what kind of stuff you like doing so I can get an idea for like what kind of stuff I could call on you for. Thanks to all of you guys who have expressed interest so far. I'm looking forward to hearing what you got and hopefully working together in the future.
And just to clarify, if original tracks from scratch are hard for you, I may also like have a song in my mind that I feel suites the scene (that I can't use because of lolcopyright) and ask you to make something similar, with the same tone/feel. If that makes sense :loco:
Also, it's better to produce the movie before composing because you probably want to know where the action peaks and the slow parts are in order to have a maximum of feeling in your movie.
This. A thousand times this.

I was thinking more of a E.S. Posthumus approach. Not entirely metal, mostly dramatic orchestral stuff and a tad bit of metal to add to the feeling.

Also, it's better to produce the movie before composing because you probably want to know where the action peaks and the slow parts are in order to have a maximum of feeling in your movie.

This. But you can cut the music to fit, like many do.
Also, it's better to produce the movie before composing because you probably want to know where the action peaks and the slow parts are in order to have a maximum of feeling in your movie.

Well, obviously. But if in pre-production I will know what the scene will be like through storyboards/my imagination and get an idea of how I want the song to be. Most scoring take place during production or post-production, and worst case if there needs to be minor tweaks then I can always give the feedback. My general approach would be to give the general direction/tone/feeling that I would like to see/hear, then have the composer do a general outline of what they have in mind, then offer feedback if needed and let the composer tighten it up.
The school has a huge media lab specfically for our program that no one else can use (I tried last year when I was in another programa nd they told me to fuck off :lol:). I don't know what kind of camera we have now because they just upgraded everything this summer (all computers went to Adobe CS5, FCP7) and the equipment got upgraded too. I know we use a high quality DV cam for the first few projects then move up to a way better camera. Either way we have tonnes of epic lighting kits, mics and shit to boost production value/quality so even with a shitty camera we could still make something decent.
Well I know first year we make a documentary as our main feature so the soundtrack won't need to be too crazy since it won't have much action. I will likely do some interview clips, voice-over with some other footage related to subject, some photos with the Ken Burns effect (zooming in and panning across stills) awith music playing and then some other shit, nothing too flashy. I'm looking to maybe do it about my father, he has the most epic stories. He was a hardcore biker for 30 years and has lived through crazy shit (been shot 2 times, blown up in a carbomb, other insane stuff). Something like what turned him to that life, what that life was like back in the day and how it has changed now and become full of assholes who don't know what real brotherhood is all about. Basically try to capture the loldrama of that.
You'll need to say which mood you want the songs to be in and such. And if you'd want drumz n geetarz n shit like I mentioned.

I have no promises though.
Haha, yeah well it's for free and I'm not expecting the best shit I ever heard but I have heard your work and others work on here and it isn't shit tier, you guys have some knowledge of what the fuck you're doing and with a little direction and creativity on your part you have the potential to put together something great imo. Right now I'm just looking to see who is interested, when the time comes I will give a few weeks advance notice and see who is still on board or who is busy.

The main thing is just finding someone with skill who is able to commit and won't be like YEAH I CAN MAKE THIS AMAZING then they flake out or give me shit. I am not judgemental or gonna knock anyone for trying, scoring is a hard art and I think that any effort to help would be appreciated in my eye regardless of the end result (that is unless the person tells me it'll be done by ____ then makes me wait another 3 weeks :p).

I think what will be easier for everyone would be maybe just if I gave a song and asked for something the same but a little different so it's original but has the same sound. Depends on your own process, skills and creativity. if you're down to make a track from scratch and feel confident to do it, that is awesome but if it's easier on you to get ideas for the track through another song then build on it, that's great too.