Who here on the board has met in real life?

i know i'm not skinny i fucking know that, that's just low to start with that cause you just didn't know better:Smug:
She's not talking bullshit..she's honest unlike you...
Just ignore her if it bothers you that much, even if she'd spame...:Smug:
Fine if you think we should be enemies we unlike you are honest and you just can't handle that

hate me if you want...i will not hate you over something sooooo lame....it's no use talking about it

I swear to God, the post was by ingrid... :goggly: WEEEEIIRD.

Anyways, whatever I'm not gonna argue with everyone over this :lol: I am just stating my opinion, and I'm surpised to learn there's people who actually support her trolling. As for the weight thing, I apologize. It was a comment directed at who I thought was Ingrid, it was in reference to a point I made before, she would have gotten it. Anyways, :goggly:
fine ...we are also just stating our opinions...:Smug:
it's useless to start fights her about things like this...we are al mature enough to know better....
She is trolling... and btw... wtf are you on (we know it's not slim fast)... she has no right to fucking think she should be giving PSA's to us, she's just using it as a lame mask to cover her trolling, and you bought into her bullshit. Also I didn't know you had that as your avatar as well. Thank for informing me, cuz you're officially just as ignorant as she is. Furthermore, I onyl care that she is still here because she spams every thread and turns it into a big arguement.

*ignores* From now on, we are enemies... you and I... :rock:
goddammit get over me ok? AND LEAVE HATECREWCHICK ALONE!
who are you to say anything about her looks. have you ever looked in the mirror? maybe if you wouldnt spend 24 hours 7 days a week on the computer you d found out that you re too gross to judge others. again just get over it. you re trolling too if im a troll. shall i make a list of your insults? you just suck. put me on ignore, end of story.
Anyways, whatever I'm not gonna argue with everyone over this :lol: I am just stating my opinion, and I'm surpised to learn there's people who actually support her trolling.:goggly:
the same could be said about you. other people state their opinions around here too, and for some reason your trolling is supported as well.

I know, she trolls the board constantly, picks fights, puts up the most ignorant and offensive avatar, and she still isn't banned, wtf.... people have been banned for less.

It's not a matter of me not liking her, I really don't care about her. But she really gets under other people's skin and she doesn't contribute in any positive way to the board so :Smug: Why the fuck is she still here?
you don't make any sense if you don't care so what the fuck is this post for? obviously you do care.

She is trolling... and btw... wtf are you on (we know it's not slim fast)... she has no right to fucking think she should be giving PSA's to us, she's just using it as a lame mask to cover her trolling, and you bought into her bullshit. Also I didn't know you had that as your avatar as well. Thank for informing me, cuz you're officially just as ignorant as she is. Furthermore, I onyl care that she is still here because she spams every thread and turns it into a big arguement.

*ignores* From now on, we are enemies... you and I... :rock:
she's not trolling she's just saying what's on her mind, at least she's the one being honest.
She isn't the one who picks the fights, other people are who can't handle her honesty or her opinions which so far i know are all fair enough[/SIZE]

She isn't picking fights by saying hurtful things to others on purpose? What kind of logic is that. If she wants to throw honesty around, she should use constructive criticism, not phrases like "that gal is a fucking cunt hole and should die" and my other question is why does she give a flying fuck what some girls are like on a COB OT board????? She should look into getting a life and some attention from her boyfriend/husband/girlfriend or whatever she has.
Hmm let's see.. i'd like to meet Eli, Ariana, Ingrid, Roxy, Emili, Keven, Codi, Joe, Vikk, Mario, Ghost of Bodom, Fiona, Evelyn and sorry if i forgot anyone :)