Who here actually still buys CD's?


A Mind Forever Voyaging
Jul 10, 2001
Grave with a view
If you do i have one question - WHY? :confused:

I mean with all this wonderful pirating and copyright-breaching technology (CD burners, audiogalaxy etc.) why in the world would you need to?

Just askin' :D
Why else? To support the band.

I download mp3s, yes, but I use it as a tool to explore the artists music so I know if I like them. If a band truly stands out in terms of excellence, like Opeth, I will buy their CDs, thus giving some of my money to the band to help them make more of the music I love. Conversely, if a band is so-so, and I think they're unworthy of my money, I have nothing against downloading their mp3s without buying a CD.

Not to mention I have a "thing" for authenticity. I like having the actual CD with the cover art and stuff. It sort of gives validation to me as a fan of that particular artist. Also, if everyone held your attitude and just downloaded mp3s without buying CDs, the music industry as we know it would collapse, and there wouldn't be any new music.
I still buy the cds to support the artists because a lot of them are hurting for money. I also buy cds to be able to see the wonderful artwork and lyrics that accompany the music. I just think it's a lot cooler to have a nice cd collection then a bunch of unappealing burned cds. Now don't get me wrong, I do download a lot of songs. However, I usually always buy the cds if I like them.
Maybe I am just mentally retarded :cry:
I have burned cd's too, but I like to have the "original" one...Yeah, it's cheaper to burn and you can get the lyrics from internet etc...but still...
Hey belial, i feel the same exact way. I burned a couple albums to listen to them and then the next day i bought the real thing. For me it's a different feeling having the real thing. i have to have it. i don't want a copy of something when it's too damn good.
I'm averaging 4 cd's a week for the last couple of years and it's to support the bands! It's also my favorite gift to give someone.

Enjoy the moment.....
Originally posted by hibernal_dream
If you do i have one question - WHY? :confused:

I mean with all this wonderful pirating and copyright-breaching technology (CD burners, audiogalaxy etc.) why in the world would you need to?

Just askin' :D

First CD's are better quality than any encoding available out there. Mp3's won't do.
Secondly I like buying CD's and collecting them just like old LP's. I like ripping the plastic off, I like the anxiety during the first spin, I like having the lyrics, artwork... not having to download and the hassle thereof.
Thirdly, I wan to support the bands I like.
I only burn copies of CDs I know I'll never get around to buying, mostly old stuff.

I like the real thing for the usually better sound quality, and the art work - plus supporting the band and my favourite record store.

I haven't bought too many CD lately though, because I'm too broke, and I get a lot of promo copies to review or play on the radio.
Ehy guys, all that you've written is what I think... I also think there are many many stupid people that download and burn their fucking cds without spend an euro ( ;) ) for supporting the bands... :mad:
Mp3s are the best way to discover great bands i think...
I certainly hope any Opeth fan still buys CD's. I do it to support the band, but also without having paid the rediculous amount for a Cd or without having the case and packaging I just can't feel complete. I have no burned CD's and hope to keep it that way. Without the full package I just can't be happy.
I do not buy cds anymore but i might need to start looking into the possibility since i was trying to record my bands demo and i connected an 800 amp/mixer into my pc and apparently the sound is burn down to hell. Weird cause it still makes a sound when i mute the sound in windows and all but no other sound ever comes out. Maybe is a mobo thing cause all the audio programs where really buggy. ( never use an old version of samplitude in winxp )
I am fairly new to this whole metal thing, but I've been amazed by what I discovered and completely fell in love with it, especially Opeth.
So far I thought it was stupid to buy the originals when you can have it for free...
But for all I know now, I'm desperately trying to find any Opeth cd's and lay my hands on them (yeah, it's kind of hard to find them where I live..)
Apart from the supporting_the_band stuff, for me it's the great (and difficult to describe) feeling that you get when you have the real thing in your hands.. Guess you get that feeling only when you are "obsessed" with it.. :)
I only download and burn albums I would not buy otherwise, so it's not an alternative to buying a cd but kind of an "extra addition" to my collection. (I rarely download full albums, however.) Besides that, I often get some mp3s from a certain band I want to explore; if I like that band, I buy the album(s).