Who here actually still buys CD's?

Originally posted by Misanthrope

so what instead of maybe 100 bucks at months 500 bucks at month? and those are way to high numbers. And also i suggest you try reading my arguments about how it is ok ( and the reason i do so ) to buy but is rather to support the record labels, yes they can seem greedy but they are bussiness after all and make it all possible for bands so if i cannot run my own record company and make it possible myself i will support the record comanies that make it possible. But is just...lets say silly ( im tired of sensitivity in not gonna use the s word ) to think it means something to the artist financially, it could mean something so that the artist can keep releasing stuff but that is really supporting the record label so they can do their business.

Akerfeldt makes a living from selling records. Otherwise he'd be working 9-5. Buy the CD's. Case closed.
Well we are getting a CD burner, but still I have a few reasons:

A) Artwork - If you go and DL a bunch of Limbonic Art, Emperor, or Ulver songs, you would be missing out on some great artwork.
B) Support for the band - How are the bands you love going to make their money if you are literally ripping them off? You wouldn't want them to fold up because of financial difficulties, would you?
C) I'm too lazy to switch to portable MP3 players, or DL and MP3 player for that matter. All I really do is stream (online radio).

Anyways, for all of you people loyal to the CD out there, I have found a great site for your compact disc purchases: www.theendrecords.com
Legitimate CDs for LOW prices: I bought Emperors Prometheus for $11. Shipping? Can you spell FREE? I feel like I'm making this is a commercial. But anyways, they have very expansive selections.

Another great site is www.darksymphonies.com You likely to find more obscure stuff there. Prices are also very low, about the same as The End.
Originally posted by Ihsahn

all of you people loyal to the CD out there, I have found a great site for your compact disc purchases: www.theendrecords.com
Legitimate CDs for LOW prices: I bought Emperors Prometheus for $11. Shipping? Can you spell FREE? I feel like I'm making this is a commercial. But anyways, they have very expansive selections.

Can you spell CRAP SELECTION?
im really tired of this im not gonna mention anything else
Fuck the artists Fuck Mikael Fuck Opeth Fuck every swedish band i dont care they can all starve to death and stop making music.
Better than this nonstop stupid guilt
Originally posted by Wolff

Akerfeldt makes a living from selling records. Otherwise he'd be working 9-5. Buy the CD's. Case closed.

he makes a living, barely, becuase he is the only one getting publishing royalties in opeth, sense he writes everything, i woudl assume that to be the case. he's probably barely living off it. the guys in in flames still work day jobs for gods sake.

i buy only cds that i find to be really extraordinary. else i get it for review or download it.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Are you so self absorbed and think the whole world thinks like you ?

I don't think I said anything that indicates that. I just stated my opinion, much like everyone else.

Originally posted by Misanthrope
Can you even fucking read interviews with your beloved artists saying they do not make a dime out of it and they do it because they LIKE doing it? Almost all bands i know have said the same and if they did not say that they would be filthy bussiness like all mtv bands like you suggest, why would you not go listen to those bands?

Yes, I can read. And unlike you, I can write and spell as well.

So, it's your opinion that musicians would prefer to make their living selling cheeseburgers or digging ditches, rather than from their music? Or, do you think they might prefer to generate enough revenue, through their music, that they would be able to be full-time musicians?

Originally posted by Misanthrope
Im sorry to brake it to you but not everything is about money, have a little vision by your logic a woman loves you and marries you because is doing a bussiness transaction leeching you out of money in exchange for sex now do you really think love does not exist in any married couple at all? do you think of your mother like that? i did not think so.

I never once said "everything is about money". I never even suggested it. I eluded to the fact, that the record industry is all about money. Were you under the impression that the music industry is about artistic integrity? Get a grip, it’s about record sales.

As for your references to marriage and parenting; your argument here is so convoluted, that it's self-defeating. Therefore, there's no reason for me to respond to it.

Originally posted by Misanthrope
I seriously doubt opeth are money whores that sell products, it would show in their music. There is love and there is art, and there is music bussiness but the day i consider myself a bussiness person i would personally shoot myself in the head in front of you ok? Stop wasting everyone's time with your stupid argument and stop insulting nice artist like Opeth

Once again, I never said any of this. However, I have seen Opeth twice, and at both shows they were selling merchandise. On their web site, they sell merchandise. This does not mean that they are "money whores" (as you put it), only that they are attempting to support themselves through the music they create. And not paying for their CDs makes it harder for them to do just that.

I never once said "everything is about money". I never even suggested it. I eluded to the fact, that the record industry is all about money. Were you under the impression that the music industry is about artistic integrity? Get a grip, it’s about record sales

Bullshit. If it was all about records sales, you'd see Century Media and Nuclear-Blast signing up N-sync clones left right and centre. Its really sad that you can't see that some people do things for their love of the music , and not for 'record sales'. :cry:
It's sad that you can't see that I wasn't referring to the artists, but that I was referring to the record companies.

Do you think Century Media is interested in artistic integrity? Please! Why do you think that Nevermore and Iced Earth are leaving Century Media? Because Century Media won't spend the money to promote the bands. Hmmm... why do you suppose that is? Better yet, why do you think it is that Nevermore and Iced Earth care about the label spending money to promote them, if all they're interested in is making music for the love of it? Why do you think it is that both bands want to sign with Sanctuary?

Century Media and Nuclear Blast don't sign N'sych clones because that's not their business. They are in the business of selling Heavy Metal. They fill a niche market. You just can't start a record company, and decide you are going to compete with CBS and Electra (unless you're David Geffen).

I have never said, nor eluded to this idea, that bands don't make music because they love making music. However, if you don't think these bands are interested in making money from that music, I believe you are sadly mistaken.

Please excuse my not reading 3 pages of replies, but...

I DO. Why? To support the bands. To add to the collection...probably the only thing I can say I collect. "To have and to hold from this day forth till death do us part." K?


"With frozen hands I rode with the stars."
Misanthrope: I seriously doubt opeth are money whores that sell products...

They ARE pimps though. They did admit that on their last tour on stage. No? Am I mistaken? :err: :p :lol: :)

OK, so I read a FEW responses...just not 3 pages.

The waves are still whispering,
Ancient lullabies.
i have a few mp3s here and there...no whole albums though.

i still buy cds. i never stopped buying cds and i never will stop buying them. i like buying cds, i like spending my money for something i love, whoever it goes to - whatever-cause ultimately it helps ME to have the cd to listen to :p

i spilt coffee all over my 'sentenced-north from here' cd booklet at waffle house one time. i go there all the time and the waitress knows me, and she grabbed it with a big stupid smile and threw it on a waffle iron (a shut waffle iron. the waffle was inside you know....hehe) i thought "AH! SENTENCED is going to go up IN FLAMES! and then i laughed. and the booklet was dry but fucked up. so i will probably buy the cd again. im ANAL like that about my cds. :p


maybe i shouldve written this on the phobia thread-this is a horrible phobia i have-
ok i imagine i am maybe 40-60 years old, and i want to hear an opeth album. (and theres no telling what ill be like up the road. like-if im still into metal(i better be! you all kick my ass if you see me and im like...a nun. hehe!), if ill still an artist- or if ill even be me anymore!) so it could be a matter of going into some dusty attic and digging out an opeth cd from box, or it could be just grabbing 'orchid' from a stack of cds cause i still listen to it-who knows.
well, ive heard cds erase after so many years-that like the glue encoding shit something i dont know fucks up. ive heard it from people and i read it once in magazine from work, and considered that reliable.....well ive also heard that maybe after like 200 years or something so maybe i shouldnt worry about it but im crazy.
well, being more realistic-maybe the fucking thing would just be scratched, just fucked up somehow. whatever. maybe all my boxes of cds just got fucked up somehow...and they wont play.

before panicing im sure id go try to order them, and then id be one of those people that i encounter at work a lot. theyre older but cool in that you can look at them and tell they arent going to ask for the new manheim steamroller christmas album way(AH!), and they say "im looking for something old"

(and in my head im like 'damn, were not gonna have this')

"its an old 60's group, chad and jeremy"
(hehe last time someone asked it was really about chad and jeremy :) lol-british invasion)

and so i looked, we didnt have it and so we order it. now we will probably get chad and jeremy. but many of these 'old' cds we try to find for people are deleted, are out of print, or are just not even in the books. like they never existed .....:(

one day opeth will be 'one of those old groups (hehe-from the swedish invasion?)" is what im saying, and if my cds dont work or i cant find their music anywhere-i will be one very upset person. an emotional mess.

if you read all of that, im sorry. ;P
it was pretty pointess
i buy cds because i like having cds...yesterday i ordered diabolicum's new cd, limited to 666 copies i'll only be 1 of 666 in the world to have that cd, having it on mp3 would not be the same...i d/l mp3s, sometimes even whole albums, but then i get the cd and delete the mp3s...mp3 should only be used to sample work by a band to decide if you like it (and if you like it you should buy the cd, not just d/l the rest of the album) or for things you cant get on cd, such as live tracks or really obscure bands you cant find in the shops...otherwise your just a thief, i really hope everyone here has all of opeth albums, and not just mp3s...
Originally posted by Evisceratrix
maybe i shouldve written this on the phobia thread-this is a horrible phobia i have-
ok i imagine i am maybe 40-60 years old, and i want to hear an opeth album. (and theres no telling what ill be like up the road. like-if im still into metal(i better be! you all kick my ass if you see me and im like...a nun. hehe!), if ill still an artist- or if ill even be me anymore!) so it could be a matter of going into some dusty attic and digging out an opeth cd from box, or it could be just grabbing 'orchid' from a stack of cds cause i still listen to it-who knows.
well, ive heard cds erase after so many years-that like the glue encoding shit something i dont know fucks up. ive heard it from people and i read it once in magazine from work, and considered that reliable.....well ive also heard that maybe after like 200 years or something so maybe i shouldnt worry about it but im crazy.

before panicing im sure id go try to order them, and then id be one of those people that i encounter at work a lot. theyre older but cool in that you can look at them and tell they arent going to ask for the new manheim steamroller christmas album way(AH!), and they say "im looking for something old"

(and in my head im like 'damn, were not gonna have this')

"its an old 60's group, chad and jeremy"
(hehe last time someone asked it was really about chad and jeremy :) lol-british invasion)

and so i looked, we didnt have it and so we order it. now we will probably get chad and jeremy. but many of these 'old' cds we try to find for people are deleted, are out of print, or are just not even in the books. like they never existed .....:(

one day opeth will be 'one of those old groups (hehe-from the swedish invasion?)" is what im saying, and if my cds dont work or i cant find their music anywhere-i will be one very upset person. an emotional mess.

Well, first off I want to tell you that I share
your phobia of loosing all my CD's.... In any way.
Like in a fire, or they just don't work..
Whatever...someone might steal them!! Hehe...

Anyway... I read that cd's will start getting "rusty"
or something after about 20 years... then I read
that after 70 years our cd's will not work anymore.
I don't know which one's right though...
And then you have that little thing that eats your
cd's if you store them in a warm place...!?

Scary indeed.....

But what's even more frustrating is the fact that
all the cd's we buy, will be like tapes are now...
Out of date... Not working well enough....
We're constantly getting better things...
Cd's will not be a big thing in the future >:eek:/
It will be like vinyl was. You will just have to transfer your favorites to a new media, whatever that may be. I have a CD store near me that blasts off scratches from old cds. Cost me 2 dollars to repair my Orchid cd which I dropped. Thought I would have to buy a new copy...:)
Originally posted by Blackspirit

Well, first off I want to tell you that I share
your phobia of loosing all my CD's.... In any way.
Like in a fire, or they just don't work..
Whatever...someone might steal them!! Hehe...

Anyway... I read that cd's will start getting "rusty"
or something after about 20 years... then I read
that after 70 years our cd's will not work anymore.
I don't know which one's right though...
And then you have that little thing that eats your
cd's if you store them in a warm place...!?

Scary indeed.....

But what's even more frustrating is the fact that
all the cd's we buy, will be like tapes are now...
Out of date... Not working well enough....
We're constantly getting better things...
Cd's will not be a big thing in the future >:eek:/

i have found hope! i listened to blackwater park last night and decided that in whatever format, opeth albums WILL still be around in the future! they rule too much not to be! :D