Who here is a musician? (or wannabe!) And what kind of stuff do ya play?

What do you play?

  • Guitar

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • Bass

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Sing

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Keys

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Drums

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Other~

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Viking Metal God \m/
:wave: :headbang: Hey!

I play guitar / sing / bass. I'm "best" at singing, but my heart lies in my guitar lol. I spent to much money on my rig for it to be otherwise :Spin: (Les Paul into a Marshall, TONE, baby, TONE!)

A lot of the stuff I write is "prog"-ish ;), but most of my crap is instrumental. I also dabble in my "unqiue" celtic music / metal fusion. Think riverdance on electric geetar. :loco: :p. Play a ton of classic rock covers (thanks to my band :yell: ) and love doing that too. Current goal is to learn to shred.


What are you guys up too musically? :Spam: or :headbang: ? :tickled:
well actually, I play a little bit of every instrument quoted in the poll. My main instrument being drums.

As for songwriting, I don't want to sound arrogant, but I can hardly describe what kind of music do I compose. Let's say it's a mix between a lot of different styles like Queen, The Corrs, Sting etc, etc. I'm a big Frank Zappa fan but i'm definitely not able to write in his style.
I´d like to describe myself as an "inspiring instrumentalist". No reason to talk about making music yet, as I´m still learning the basics of my instrument, which is the bass~. The two bassists inspiring and impressing me the most would be Geddy Lee and a devout follower of his, Mr. Ed Platt (sleazy, but true ;)). Not exactly the easiest guys to try to emulate, but... yeah, whatever. As I´m almost exclusively into Prog and halfway old school Heavy Metal, I can´t see myself going anywhere else in the future if everything works out fine.
Well, *my* heart lies in singing but I'm not all that good at it. I play guitar and can fool people into thinking that I know what I'm doing. :) Mainly just coffee-shop style acoustic songs.

I spend more time than anything writing song lyrics. Don't know how anyone can survive without having such an outlet...

I play the guitar. I've just recorded a concept album with my band, but it's still in the mixing phase. The right edit, mix and mastering makes the whole recording what it is supposed to be. I really admire Enchant's sound improvement and Dough's mix. We all have fulltime jobs as well so working on the album is only during weekends. But we are quite satisfied with the results so far.