who is the best sweep picker?


New Metal Member
Jan 31, 2004
i got three candidates:
george bellas - ive seen his videos on the web, holy shit?!?! :OMG:
jason becker
frank gambale
soulshred said:
Jason Becker ,Francesco Fareri(check him out) an d Joe Stump at sweeps but think Yngwie is the master of Arpeggiation

Fareri is a sloppy ass player with absolutely zero phrasing ability and worse vibrato than Kirk Hammett. He should be completely disregarded, and it still baffles me as to why people even give his playing the time of day (then again, it baffles me why people think Hammett is so great).

That being said, I would have to agree that Becker and Stump have some of the best sweep arpeggio chops I've ever seen/heard.
Im surprised no one has mentioned Steve Vai, all his sweeps are amazing, flawless and unique, and he tastefully uses them when they are needed, not just because he can..
Yngvai X said:
Fareri is a sloppy ass player with absolutely zero phrasing ability and worse vibrato than Kirk Hammett. He should be completely disregarded, and it still baffles me as to why people even give his playing the time of day (then again, it baffles me why people think Hammett is so great).

That being said, I would have to agree that Becker and Stump have some of the best sweep arpeggio chops I've ever seen/heard.

I totaly agree with you about Fareri but what ı meant was he can sweep amazingly fast ,not Becker fast, much faster but when it comes to phrasing and stuff he sucks and the vibrato ı again totaly agree.
But ofcourse sweeping fast doesnt make you the best sweeper there are other things so yes he should be disregarded.
A lot of people could take this one. I think Yngwie has the cleanest sweeps I've heard, but others can do it faster. Becker has lots of cool ideas with arps, but they always sounded sloppy to me at high speeds (don't get me wrong, he's one of my favorites). Vai has killer arpeggio uses.

But for sheer technique, I'm gonna go with Yngwie. I'll admit, though, I haven't heard a few of the guys mentioned, like Frank Gambale.
OfSinsAndShred said:
A lot of people could take this one. I think Yngwie has the cleanest sweeps I've heard, but others can do it faster. Becker has lots of cool ideas with arps, but they always sounded sloppy to me at high speeds (don't get me wrong, he's one of my favorites). Vai has killer arpeggio uses.

But for sheer technique, I'm gonna go with Yngwie. I'll admit, though, I haven't heard a few of the guys mentioned, like Frank Gambale.

Yes Yngwie has the cleanest picking whatever alternate or sweep.
Stump is an amazingly clean picker too