who is who?

Sopel said:
1.who is who? 2.who is an enemy? 3.who is a friend? 4.who lies? 5.who tell truth? 6.who favourable? 7.who's not?
Simple. There is commies and decent people. 2.commies 3.decent people 4. commies 5. decent people 6. decent people 7. commies
no-one has to be trusted. trust yerself and yer senses. 'work' with someone for the bit that it works. it might be 2 hours, might be 20 yrs. trust should always be valued, at any moment, to to see whether it fits your undertaking. things get slippery when u take m for granted.
People can prove they're decent and its often obvious like. On the other hand, you can try to do your best for people but they get suspicious cos they are shysters themselves and think you're just after something. I hate that shit, had it a lot when I lived in Yorkshire. Sheepshagging tossers :(
Strangelight said:
People can prove they're decent and its often obvious like. On the other hand, you can try to do your best for people but they get suspicious cos they are shysters themselves and think you're just after something. I hate that shit, had it a lot when I lived in Yorkshire. Sheepshagging tossers :(
loyalty isnt a common thing anymore. them bastards dont see the art of socialism. see.
nobody is a friends, and no body is an enemy..
we're all living/working/fihting for our own profits..
our friends are the ones who have different profits ( so we don't have to figth with them) and our enemies are the one who want the same things as us.
and nobody lies...
and everybody tells the truth in their own way ;)
okay and not.
i had this huge discussion with a guy. he told me a boss is allowed to punish the people that are working for him for his own mistakes. bastard. that was a huge discussion and i lost lots of respect for that guy, knowing that he would do the same.
without said:
nobody is a friends, and no body is an enemy..
we're all living/working/fihting for our own profits..
our friends are the ones who have different profits ( so we don't have to figth with them) and our enemies are the one who want the same things as us.
and nobody lies...
and everybody tells the truth in their own way ;)
