yous fuckin sorry excuses for compilation

OK Were nearly there except for one track which I must admit is rather funny but unfortunately - Monster and Maskiner will not go on the compilation. I did get the joke though (thank you it was rather funny) sadly if alas it wasnt a joke and it was a serious entry then i suggest premature euthanasia

Don Corleone said:
yeah i was gonna ask that cedar, does it get you high?

Ah nah, you can eat it as long as it's just an egg but the mature mushroom is not edible and doesn't get you high anyway. It stinks too much to be eaten. I was just saying it's top because it's beautiful.
If you want to get high with a pretty common toadstool try Amanita Muscaria :


You'll have nice hallucinations but your bog will never be the same after. Plus I don't think it grows in Turkey anyway.
Oh and don't eat too much of it too, you could die.
the monster & maskiner track reminds me of the bit in walt disney movies where they show the baddie's den.
There there Mariner, son. Dont get all angry. Senser is a bit poo thats all, its not as if im questioning your sexuality or nothing, I just dont like the track, its a bit too 'massiv' for my liking. And as for Samael, I dont like that either It sounds to me like a load of noises for noises sake, I could do a track like that at home with a few pots and pans and a Yamaha SY22. Neither tracks are really fitting in with the way the compilation is going at the moment.

Sure I could just let you all upload one track each and then do fuck all else but then the cd would be SHIT.

The first compilation i had running for ages chucking tracks out and getting new ones and getting a good running order and the cd was a success because of this, and I want to do the same for V2.