So, now that I successfully broke the "tracklist-post" curse, I must add that I've been thinking for days now about the song I'd upload if I had the chance, and I realized I couldn't come up with anything besides Tori Amos's Purple People and that Gary Jules cover of Mad World. It all means that
a) I know hardly any music

whereas so far I've had the false notion that I do.
b) Somehow the songs I had in mind before as fitting for the compilation are either moody but not dark enough or dark but not moody enough (or too rock). And none of them is doom. Therefore,
c) I realized there's not enough doom in me and the music I like
d) People in general considerably differ as to the degree of doom and moodiness (just like in their taste of album covers lol).
This all comes down to my being now genuinely happy for not being on the compilation list, since
a) My not-doom-enough-but-too-violinish-folkish beloved song by Ghymes would have surely been told off (eiah, but it's in Hungarian!),
b) and I wouldn't have been able to cope with that because I’m a perfectionist and so I am convinced my taste and sense of judgement are perfect.
Also, this compilation thingummy (

) has generated some (e-)anger and negativity in me (and maybe in others, too), consequently
a) I hereby sincerely anull all my huff of 18 September and send my best regards and panzies to the Croc
b) I suggest the next compilation be about a theme not about the type of song, something more tangible than "darkness" and "moodiness", because these categories are too subjective.
c) We are looking for doom aaaall in the wrong places
Maradok tisztelettel,
Dhatura Borealis