yous fuckin sorry excuses for compilation

Mariner said:
ah. if senser is no good im not in anymore.

i dont see the point. so someone can take me place in.

Well, if you're decided you're not gonna upload another track, I'll take your place. I can even change my nick to Dhariner, if you wish.
alright mick. but this song is me fave song on one of me fave albums. its normal, if someone simply dislikes your fave tune that you get upset a bit. like Im always gettin mad as well if the reviewer from a belgian zine is taking out the piss out of pink floyd. thats said.

i would ve taken another track after all, but dhatura, you can take me place if ya want cause you werent on the first comp.
Dhatura said:
Oh, nonono, that's fine, I would've taken it only if you had not downloaded another song.
okay then. ill talk about it with mehdi if me next song would fit or not. yeah the boy is coming this way. hes not coming for me tho, but for a girl. :blush:
Mick Moss said:
And as for Samael, I dont like that either It sounds to me like a load of noises for noises sake, I could do a track like that at home with a few pots and pans and a Yamaha SY22.
Mick, yer arguments suck. really.
but for the sake of it, i'll upload a new one.
If that one's no good, i'm out. i have some pride too u know :p
No, honestly, I COULD do a track like that with a 4 track, a few empty beans tins and a cheap keyboard, Im not wrong like.
And Im not wrong either when I say I dont like the track, Im so not confused as to say I dont like something when I really do. So baring that in mind, me arguments dont suck - theyre actually quite spot on. :wave:
Do any of yous think for a second that if you said you didnt like one of my favourite songs I'd take offence as quickly and as venomously as yous have? Im not even slating them that bad, for the most part Im simply saying they dont fit with the rest of the music already there. Take pride in your family, in your choice of friends or the choices youve made in the past that were strong. Take pride and defend your morals if you beleive they are good, but dont go off the rails just coz someone hasnt got the same taste in music as you its totally west.

Mick Moss said:
No, honestly, I COULD do a track like that with a 4 track, a few empty beans tins and a cheap keyboard, Im not wrong like.
And Im not wrong either when I say I dont like the track, Im so not confused as to say I dont like something when I really do. So baring that in mind, me arguments dont suck - theyre actually quite spot on. :wave:
i wasnt actually that insulted/-ing, cos it's a matter of taste.
i hope you caught the ":p" cos i was merely taking the piss.
no offence. but i just cant agree on your side of the intrumentarium issue ;)
the new one is uploaded. :wave:
I wasnt being too serious myself, thats why I put my own personal :wave:

But I was being damn serious when Im moaning about it being ridiculous taking offence over different tastes of music, but that comment wasnt aimed at anyone in particular - just everyone who has moaned at me over the last two compilation projects