Who likes to kiss some ass!?!?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
My job is asking me to kiss customer ass by taking them to concerts and dinners and pony rides and other bullshit. I've been here six years and have never done it in the past and don't ever plan on doing it in the future. My boss quit 6 months ago and he was like King Kiss Ass, and he left two of us behind in the process of leaving: I took over the majority of the difficult tasks (large multi-million dollar projects) and the other dude took over the "hosting" aspect of concerts, dinners, pony rides, etc. But they keep trying to bully me into that shit, like I really want to spend my free time pretending to like a bunch of assholes while making small talk about business and other meaningless bullshit in their pathetic money driven lives.


Sorry, rant over. :wave:
Oh man I just took a giant dump and now I feel much much better. Getting angry for 3 minutes once a week rules!
Crimson Death said:
Does handling cases of multi-million dollar projects entitle you to a similar amount of said money?
No, not even sort of. We have sales reps that I do all the grunt work for, and they get 1% of each job that they get. Basically they get me the plans [edit: like, architectural plans that I read, figure out where the brick & stone bullshit goes, throw together a bid, send it off] and take someone to lunch while I do the work, then they take the credit. Also that 1% adds up, those fuckers have million dollar ranches down in San Diego. I make decent cash, but not in proportion to how much cash I bring in to this company. Also since taking over half of my boss's duties 6 months ago (and in essence becoming my own boss) I never got a raise. Hence, I do exactly the amount of work expected of me and nothing more, then spend the rest of my time fucking around here. :dopey:

The whole kiss ass thing, ugh. I've never been one of those dudes. If I like you, you'll know it. If I don't like you, I'm not going to go out of my way to show you how much I dislike you, but you sure as hell aren't going to get any good vibes from me.
Not kissing enough ass probably had something to do with my job loss. So be it. I don't brown-nose. I'm above that shit.

Though it's funny to see you all complain about your job. You simply have no idea.
J. said:
Though it's funny to see you all complain about your job. You simply have no idea.
True, I always know it could be worse. It could also be better. :p

Two years. Two years and I'm out. This industry makes me ill, it only exists to make money off the ridiculous Southern California housing market and the suckers that buy houses out here. Two years to pay off my car, my debt, and save up some cash and move to _________. <-- i don't know where yet, canada, washington, ny, england, or zimbabwe
this is the best job I've ever had. I do a range of shit and to the people out on the floor it looks like black magic but most of it is pretty simple.

I just read our mission statement for the first time and noticed that "We are Warrior-focused professionals."


I do PC and server help desk type stuff; switch phone and data lines around, and various facilities stuff, which basically means I call the Engineers over and they show me how to do various stuff and we bullshit and have a good time until management calls me over the PA wondering where I am. Then I can show up carrying our fluke tester

and say something like, "sorry Jim...I was testing some lan ports back on the blade."

Jim: "Oh....okay. keep up the good work." :lol:
We are the Dept. of Defense Agency which procures and supplies the branches of the armed forces with food, supplies, equipment, etc.

or, as our mission statement further attests, we provide the "best value solutions for America's Warfighters."

god do mission statements suck.

One Inch Man said:
yes. we are the bulwark against the swarthy waves of terror which threaten this nation's way of life and indeed, our very existence.