Who saw the first episode of "Death Clock Metalocalypse"?

Sundays @ 11:45 pm EST and Mondays @ 3:45 am EST (if you missed the earlier showing).
Kronikle66 said:
Dude, just search youtube for Dethklok. The first two episodes are on there.
I know I can just search Youtube, but it's the principle of the matter. I vowed to myself that I would see the premier of the 1st episode, and I didn't follow through.
I watched the first episode and was pretty unimpressed...you knew exactly what the joke was going to be before they said/did it. Like when they dropped from the plane and there was the big "X" on the ground...who didn't know they were going to miss the X?

This show would probably have been funny 8-10 years ago, but so many people have done it, that the only thing which differentiates it is the metal theme.

I'd give it a 5/10 at best.
OfSinsAndShred said:
Btw, if anyone wants tabs of the Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle, I figured it out yesterday. :lol:

I'd like the tab, but I would also like to know wtf the lyrics of the first verse are. Only words I really can make out are "dying for a cup".
DoomsdayZach said:
Yes, but the metal theme makes it an instant 9/10, and the fact that they know what the hell they're doing gives it the extra point for 10/10.

i watched the second episode and thought a lot of the subtleties were funny, like how the lead guitarist is always playing
Selppinevoli said:
I watched the first episode and was pretty unimpressed...you knew exactly what the joke was going to be before they said/did it. Like when they dropped from the plane and there was the big "X" on the ground...who didn't know they were going to miss the X?

I think you're expecting too much from it.. its not perfect but I just appreciate it for what it is.. and the fact that its actually a cartoon.. about METAL :rock: makes the predictability or the flaws in it more acceptable in my books.
Better to be considered loud noise than muder-inducing satanic music like it's considered in the US :goggly:

Anyways, I don't care if it's metal-themed or not, the jokes have been done, and the style of comedy has been done. That style was funny for a little bit, but quickly becomes old. This cartoon reminds me of Family Guy or Futurama, it's funny the first couple times you first see the show, but after a bit, it's just really repetitive.
Hmm...I watched it and parts of it I did find funny, but to be honest, I'm kind of indifferent overall. Maybe part of it is that I'm pretty much strictly prog/power when it comes to metal--I mean, it's amusing for a little bit to see some of the excesses parodied, but after awhile I lose patience with it the same way I lose patience with the bands BEING parodied. Oh well.
I finally got around to seeing it and it is truly the mos amazing thing I've ever seen displayed on a screen of any kind inmy entire life. :worship:
I watch it for the guitar. Every now and then Small throws in a really cool fill. That and the subtle metal humor. And the not so subtle metal humor.