Who should Pulverised sign next?

I would like to suggest an old band of mine that we have put to life again. Some brutal deathmetal in the vain of Bloodbath, Behemoth & Opeth. Im actually recording the guitars right now and I hope to find a glitch in the studio next week so that I can record some massive growls. But I dont know, hehe, I think its to little old-school for Pulverised haha. I guess Roy and Calvin like their
Deathmetal in the old way, and well, so do I, old Entombed, Dismember and so on, its great! Maybe thats why I love the Facebreaker album so much, it is bloody great!

But when it comes to other bands, I have no clue. Theres alot of good bands out there without deals, but the problem is that the metal scene is so filled today so I have no idea if any
of them would sell since theres other bands that already are known in the same genres. But if I had a label I would sign Asmodeus for their next album, those guys are great and really
nice to work with!
Actually you are right Mattias. The Metal scene is so saturated with a ton of bands (whether good or bad) these days that we can't possibly sign every bands that come our way. We as the label of course have to look into a lot of other factors besides just letting the music speak for themselves.

I am very sure with the other labels, the criteria is the same; bands got to have that certain 'X-factor' to bring us to our attention. At the end of the day, as much as we have the passion for Metal, sometimes it has to boil down to the business side of things unfortunately.
Calvin: Ye haha, before you could just listen to a demo and see if the band had made an affort in getting a proper studio and so on, but today everyone has their own
recording studio at home with Cubase or Pro Tools so everything has a good sound. I get pissed when people send me (EPM) demos that sound like shit haha.

But at the same time its kinda fun, like with Nidrike, I choose to mix our album with shit sound haha, and thats awesome, the songs were much better with a good sound, but now it sounds blackmetal, and that whats our label wanted hahaha.

Emil: Theres nothing wrong with Christophes logos! ;) The problem is that theres to many bands that use him and often alot of logos looks the same. He should take a fee
for the logos and not make them for free, just for the simple reason that hes makin to many at the moment.

I have 2 bands with logos by Christophe, both Vanmakt & Temotah uses his art, but even though the Temotah logo looks awesome, Its kinda widgy, so I cant fix it in photoshop and
that sucks. Dont know what to do.

//M. Svensson
Hello, Mr. Svensson :)

You're right, there's nothing wrong with Szpajdel doing logos, it's just that, and as you said, with the x-amount of bands asking for logos you can obviously see that the inspiration no longer is there. It's like, the logos that he's made recently have nothing to do with the band, at all. But at the same time, most of these bands are just faceless in this sea we call a 'scene' anyway! :)

I am thinking of this band called Fractured Insanity who supposedly plays "thrash" but their logo looks cutting edge or something, haha. I thought the Vanmakt logo he made for you guys looked like the "classic" Szpajdel style; the logo he did for my little 'zine Wave of Darkness I am glad looks different compared to the ones he has been doing, haha
Szpajdel did 4 logos for me (ooopppsss!!) and he did an amazing job on all of them. But I do agree that Szpajdel should actually start charging bands for getting him to do some logo work done but since this is his principle, who are we to stop him?

The last I heard, he is actually coming up with a 'filtering' method. Any bands who needed his service to get a logo done, they will have to fill up an application form.

I agree that there are too many Szpajdel logos at the moment, but I see it as a double edge sword situation. Too many of his logos being used in the scene could see himself as a 'drop of value'. But if he starts to become really fussy, how often would we see a Szpajdel-designed logo in the future?