Who sings on Subterranean

epi5ode666 said:
i cant find that album anywhere :(
It is out of print and deleted, but you can still find the album in the auctions @ www.ebay.com. If you dont feel like paying 20 bucks or more for an EP, you can still buy the re-released version 'Lunar Strain/Subterranean'.
I saw a copy of Subterranean at FYE labeled as "IMPORT" in red letters. It looked like it was printed on a low quality home printer on shitty paper and costs $58. It was also labeld as a release of NBA. I hope no one is dumb enough to buy that.
They're all a bunch of fucking idiots...
I've probably gotten near 1000 points of bad rep, probably more aorund 700-800, and I still have 2500 points :)

Have some good rep
not many peop[le can give more rep than me, being 8th in rep and 40th in posts :)

I'm looking for IF vinyls. I'm missing the "Colony" and "Clayman" albums and the "Trigger" EP. Does any one knows if the "Black-ash Inheritance" EP has been released on any vinyl form?

Btw: I have the "Subtarranean" on Pic 12" vinyl. I bought it pretty cheep, 10 euros if I remember well. Before some days I saw it again on black vinyl from Wrong Again Records for 20 euros. If anyone is interested pm me and will may arrange something...