Who told you that women can't shred ? :)

man I just looked on this thread coz I was thinking 'how many bloody women shredders can there be? this thread just keeps getting longer and longer'.

the women jokes were dumb ( not funny, but thats just coz you guys need to try harder :p ) but tolerable, can i please ask no one to post anymore baby jokes though? not trying to ruin your fun, and I can tolerate just about any other kind of joke, just those I happen to find offensive. Sorry to be a pain.
Chris Brooks, it's all your fault. And before you ask what you did, you made me X out of the window, with ALT +F4.
The only thing worse than someone who says to alt/f4, which is already retarded in and of itself, is someone who actually does it.
Alexander*_Reborn said:
I agree, these children need to grow up and realise that we live in an equal society. (Oprah Winfrey, 1996)

oprah needs to grow up and realize a joke is just a phrase which is not to be taken literally... i mean, it is a joke after all...