Fastest Guitarist Ever

Highly compressed, no note definition. He may aswell be playing legato.

Also, it sounds alot faster than it is because the notes are so compressed and blurred together. If you look at how fast his hand is switching between strings, and the fact that he is mostly playing 3 or 4 notes a string, he aint that much faster than anyone else, if at all.

Rusty cooley is still the only one of these 'uber shredders' that impresses me technique wise. His picking is excellently defined. Farreri and this guy suck.
Angelo is faster, then that guy..

I agree though, cooley, is the one shredder guy that is impressive.

I think im gonna buy his dvd shred manifesto.
I'd rather jam on my guitar, than watching this guy playing. He plays for himself, and that's all. Well done man, you are playing fast, but don't get so close to me :)
Here, I just copy and pasted this from that forum to save some time..
If you listen very carefully to this clip you may realise why `some people` think Tiego Della Vega is picking faster than he `actually is`!!

In the clip, first he plays the lick slow, then he plays it fast, but after a few seconds it `sounds` as if he speeds it up quite a bit.
Now listen again a few times, but instead try and focus mainly on listening to the actual `clicks` of the pick, listen to the speed of the clicks.
He starts playing it `fast` at around 5 seconds into the clip, listen to the speed of the clicks, then at around 7 seconds he starts to play at his `hyperspeed`, but the clicks don`t actually speed up, just the fingered notes!
So like i said from the beginning, when he speeds right up he is fingering way more notes that he is actually picking!

To prove this i took 2 `1 second clips` from it, both from his `up to speed` segment of the clip.
I took a 1 second clip from near the start of the fast part of the clip, then i took a 1 second clip from the part of the clip where it `sounded` as if he sped it up a lot more.

Here is the first `1 second clip` :

Here is that slowed down :

Here is the second `1 second clip` :

Here is that slowed down :

If you listen to both of those 1 second clips (slowed down) you`ll notice that he was actually picking at 17 `clicks` per second in `both` clips. So even though it sounded like he sped up a lot half way through the fast part of the clip, he was still actually picking the same speed all along!

Here is just the fast part of the clip slowed down, so you can hear that his picking doesn`t actually speed up even though his change in fingering creates that effect :

The one thing you can`t hide your picking speed behind is when you tremelo pick 1 note as fast as you can! Then you can`t fool people by fingering faster than you are picking! Tiego Della Vega has a `fast tremelo picking` clip on his `Chops from Hell` page.

Here is his tremelo picking clip:

Here is 1 second from that clip at `NORMAL` speed :

Here is that 1 second clip at `QUARTER` speed :

18 notes in a second!

Tiego Della Vega claims that his secret to speed comes from a new picking technique he invented where, even on one string, instead of picking one upstroke, one downstroke, one upstroke etc. like this `UDUDUDUDUDUD`, he claims that he picks two downstrokes, two upstrokes, two downstrokes etc. like this `DDUUDDUUDDUUDDUU`, which is just ridiculous, and i didn`t believe it for a second.

He posted a video clip of him demonstrating this technique, here it is :

So i slowed down that whole Tiego Della Vega video clip to check it :

and just like i thought, when you watch it slow you can clearly see that even though he is showing the example of picking with 2 up, 2 down, then 2 up strokes DDUUDDUUDDUUDD at a slow speed, once he speeds it up he is just picking normally 1 stroke up and 1 stroke down DUDUDUDUDUDUD.
So yet again he doesn`t even seem to know what he is doing with his own picking, he may think he is doing 2 up strokes and then 2 down strokes, but when he starts to play it fast he is definately not doing that!

I clocked lots of `1 second segments` from that whole video clip, and most of them (tremelo picking with elbow vibrations) were around 18 notes per second, but i found just 1 small segment where he maxed out at 20 nps for just over a second.

Here is a 1 second clip of that :

Here is that clip slowed down :

So even when he is flat out tremelo picking, without any obstacles like having to change strings or coordinate picking and fingering hand, even then his max tremelo picking speed is around 20 notes per second, but i already know people can `tremelo pick with spasmic elbow vibrations` at that speed! It`s a world apart from the fast but `controlled` picking from people like Shawn Lane or John McLaughlin, and IMO the two types of picking shouldn`t be held on the same level.

So if that is as fast as he can play picking on just 1 note, and you can`t get any easier than that, how on earth does he think he can pick at 38+ notes per second while picking different notes while crossing over strings?????
fallen2289 said:
Musically it sucks, but it is still insanely fast.

Musically, it sucks? Personally, I would rather get excited over one screaming guitar note that has substance and elegance to it, than listen to any musician who is insanely fast but sucks musically. That's just my view, for whatever it's worth to anyone. I'm all for music that doesn't suck, and there's enough of that around. I've found that many guitarists lose the emotion when speed becomes a priority to impress, and it all become technical and calculated. The wow factor quickly becomes boring and irrelevant. :rolleyes:
I agree. Stuff that Alex Lifeson (Rush) writes isn't extremely fast at all, but he is still one of my favorite guitar players. I honestly think that there is a limit to speed before you lose musicality. Anything faster than Romeo's fastest solo speed just deteriorates the sound. I honestly hate Cooley, Fareri, and this guy, but it is still shocking to see.
Everyone needs to read RobbM's post. Not only does it suck musically, but IT DOESN'T QUALIFY AS FAST. It's totally sloppy shit.

Same thing with Farreri, except nobody seems to have realised that yet despite those videos being around for ages.