Who wants to be mod?

I'd like to be a moderator, however you don't know me well enough to put that trust into practice, and speaking of age, you'd probably think I was too young for the job. I would consider myself up for it and I have the necessary requirements.
I think all the whole "we need a moderator" thing came up basically because of the flaming we saw a couple of days ago...

Nevertheless, until that day, the forum was quite peaceful... in fact, i said in a thread that i liked this new forum.

I think we all had a bad day, from RiderOfJustice and Me (maybe we shouldn't have post that thread... but i'm sure it wasn't the worst thread ever) to MegustaMucho (who ironically wants to be a mod) and Heartless_Name (who started the whole flaming day).

That's what i think. In the future, and if MetalAges want to, we may have a new mod. But this thread is useless, as Deron (MetalAges) has the last word about it.
^Well, yes... basically I agree on the fact we shouldn't have another mod... I wrote it in some pages ago too...

I think it would be better if we posters-people would keep on being just posters... at least, for the moment.
Ah fuck it. If you don't like the flaming, consult the person who's doing the flaming yourself via PM and let him/her acknowledge that you feel uncomfortable with these insults and would prefer it if it stopped, but that just isn't going to happen :lol: It's survival of the fittest, and in the words of Gonzo, the gheyz0rs shall go down first
Ah fuck it. If you don't like the flaming, consult the person who's doing the flaming yourself via PM and let him/her acknowledge that you feel uncomfortable with these insults and would prefer it if it stopped, but that just isn't going to happen :lol: It's survival of the fittest, and in the words of Gonzo, the gheyz0rs shall go down first
hey! those aren't my words! :lol:

but it's true, we can always appeal to rationality.
Ah fuck it. If you don't like the flaming, consult the person who's doing the flaming yourself via PM and let him/her acknowledge that you feel uncomfortable with these insults and would prefer it if it stopped, but that just isn't going to happen :lol: It's survival of the fittest, and in the words of Gonzo, the gheyz0rs shall go down first

You always have the power to confuse me, and you already knew it... but whatever, eheh... :)