Who Would Win In A Sword Fight?---Sir Russell Allen or Bruce Dickinson---?

Who would win in a sword fight???

  • Sir Russell Allen(Medieval Times stuntman and warrior)

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • Bruce Dickinson(of longtime fencing renown)

    Votes: 13 52.0%

  • Total voters
Dude Russell would win hands down, but maybe cause im biased,:D but seriously that shit they do at MT is HARD!
Most people think its way easy.. Hell no! You try falling from a horse going 30mph ;)
Well, that's a tough one.
I'd go for Sir Russell, of course, and I wouldn't wanna see any scratch on him! Well, then again, I'm the Lady Of The Snow, so SX must be my favorite band, obviously. :-Þ
Yet Bruce is pretty quick, from what I've heard. I will not allow a fight, nor a test of strength, lol. And both deserve to live ;)
he threw down the glove, you made the mistake of picking it up, now you're gone!
as soon as it starts he'll tear you apart...

my money is on bruce all the way!
he's probably got the technique down like a madman, and even though russ looks pretty big, bruce was still very fit the last time i ssaw maiden, jumping ALL over stage...
he must have been using as many calories as all of symphony x do at once!
but then again who can tell how much work they do with just their fingers ;)
Originally posted by Prismatic Sphere
Not that I'd ever want to see these two superb artists actually fight; but what if they did??? Who would win in a duel?

Hehehehe... This is actually a really funny question. :) So sure, I'll bite...

I've seen Russ in costume and it's pretty scary to imagine someone his size bearing down on you with a pointy piece of metal. But I think I'm going to have to go with Bruce on this one... He's smaller and probably faster.;)

Originally posted by Stardust2112

Hehehehe... This is actually a really funny question. :) So sure, I'll bite...

I've seen Russ in costume and it's pretty scary to imagine someone his size bearing down on you with a pointy piece of metal. But I think I'm going to have to go with Bruce on this one... He's smaller and probably faster.;)


Vewy Intewesting.;)

Glad you see the humor in it.:D
Originally posted by †Russel Allen†®
I'd love to see Sir Russel rippin' off Dickinson's head! hehehehehehe!!

haha Then he could mount Dickinson's head on a mic stand and sing to it, perhaps with a rye and mocking look in his eye.

I'm going for Russell, despite the fact that I probably should root for the brit.
I've never been a Maiden fan, so I wouldn't mind what Russell did to Dickinson, as long as it was filmed and used as a video for a song!!
Imagine that! Now there's a sure fire way for the X to get some exposure!