Who would you like to see coming back?


Child of the Damned
Jan 25, 2002
Any musicians/bands who are/were too good to stay away from the scene? ;)

2 names come to my mind :

- Wolf Hoffmann (Accept), now a photograph. A guitar god shouldn't retire :loco:
- Kim Ruzz (Mercyful Fate), now a mailman (?) according to some sources. One of my favorite drummers ever, he was an original! Kind of disappeared after MF split up.

I wish them all the best in their life but they're missed...
Well, there's our lead singer in the First State Force Band of course!
I pulled out the first two Fastway albums the other day. I would like to to hear Dave King do something new. How about Mike Howe from Metal Church also.
Hey Gonzo, Dave King has had a band for about six years now. For some reason they are considered a punk band, but I consider them Irish folk rock. They totally kick ass if you like that sorta thing (and I do!). The band is called Flogging Molly.

As for come backs, obviously I'd like Randy Rhoads and Criss Oliva to come back to life. However, if we're talking realistically, my choice is easy. I'd like to see John Arch make a new solo album (or two). A Twist of Fate was great, but far too short.

NP: Icarus Witch - Capture the Magic
Yes, JOHN ARCH indeed !!!
I would like Culprit to make another album too, they now and than seem to do some reunion gigs, but no new recordings so far...
I love to see Pink Floyd come back. Thank god one of the bands that were away from the scene since 1991 are finally back RIGOR MORTIS:Smokin:
I'd love for Blackmore to reform Rainbow with Dio.
I love the current output of Blackmore's Night and Dio, but together, they made magic.

Also, as others have stated, John Arch. Fates Warning has never recaptured the glory of his stint in the band, IMO.

Martin Powell desperately needs to rejoin My Dying Bride. His violin playing was godly. That element is sorely missed from this still great band.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Hey Gonzo, Dave King has had a band for about six years now. For some reason they are considered a punk band, but I consider them Irish folk rock. They totally kick ass if you like that sorta thing (and I do!). The band is called Flogging Molly.

As for come backs, obviously I'd like Randy Rhoads and Criss Oliva to come back to life. However, if we're talking realistically, my choice is easy. I'd like to see John Arch make a new solo album (or two). A Twist of Fate was great, but far too short.

NP: Icarus Witch - Capture the Magic

Thanks, Got to check them out
I had always wanted to see Dio with Sabbath. I got that on a Friday the 13th back in '92. According to one site it was the last show with Dio. And Dio with Rainbow again? Shyeah! :headbang:

In that same vein I got to see the four originals in KISS on the reunion tour.

I had always wanted to see Tesla. I got that this last Summer.

I'm pretty satisfied.

I wouldn't mind it if Cream decided to tour a bit again. Led Zep with Jason on drums would be cool. If they could get John back from the dead...

Now, if we started talking time machine, I'd go see the last shows of all those that got taken from us too early. Jimi, Janis, Bonham, Randy, SRV, Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, Elvis, etc., etc., etc.
Flogging Molly kicks ass and if you miss Dave King check it out. Its totally different than Fastway but Ive spent many hours convincing young irish punks that Dave King was playing with Fast Eddie Clark many years before fiddles and bag pipes. Remember Im only twenty three and bought fastways album when I was 17, I feel old because i know this.
Fangface said:
Any musicians/bands who are/were too good to stay away from the scene? ;)

2 names come to my mind :

- Wolf Hoffmann (Accept), now a photograph. A guitar god shouldn't retire :loco:
- Kim Ruzz (Mercyful Fate), now a mailman (?) according to some sources. One of my favorite drummers ever, he was an original! Kind of disappeared after MF split up.

I wish them all the best in their life but they're missed...

Absolutely on both accounts !! Wolf is da man. Mercyful Fate was an incredible band as well, to include the drumming.
Some more I would mention..... Mike Howe (former Metal Church vocalist,) now residing in Tennessee, last I heard. He and Wolf should hook up. Vito Bratta, the God of hair guitarists was a badass as well. Elvis should come back to life somehow as well. No joking here. He had some corny songs, but an awesome voice. Chris Degarmo......... Queensryche went to shit without him. Paul Stanley should leave Gene and keep rockin' out. Reb Beach... where the hell is he ? Powermad should reunite.... talk about a one release masterpiece (and an EP, but more of a demo really.) Damon Johnson, formerly of Brother Cane. Great frontman, vocalist and songwriter....more talent than you can shake a stick at. Steve Perry.... yeah he's probably 100 years old, but what a golden throat.

Narcosynthesys68 said:
Jackal. The band that I think nobody knows about. They fucking rocked like a cross between Maiden and VH.

Good Stuff!

And yes, Accept.

Jackyl was a great band. They are based out of Atlanta which is only 90 miles from me. I have seen them on several occasions. great live band, and Jesse James Dupree is very underappreciated as a vocalist. He sings like they are playing a CD over the PA.
