Who would you prefer to be on The Two Towers credit music?

I voted BG, but i prefer the way the last movie was made. Am i twisted or what? :grin:
Actually, I think most of you got it wrong...
The vote was only for the credit music (the 5-10 minutes where all the names appear).
If Blind Guardian would have been chosen, it wouldn't have changed anything in the movie itself (which I think already have it's background-music).
Even IF BG where to do the whole soundtrack I think they would've do a great job. They know what they are doing and wouldn't do music that doesn't fit.

Anyway, I went to the 2 concerts in Athens and where as the 1st one was very good, the 2nd was superb! It's a shame you didn't come, Siren...
Well, in that case i'm glad i voted for BG :)

Anyway, i had a good time here too, Blind Tranquillity ;)