Whoot, ordered parts for my new PC!

Just got home from the store. My paycheck was a little bigger than I thought, so I had to give in to the temptation and take a very small loan from the bank and order the parts for a new DAW.

I chose Intel C2D E4400, 2 gigs of RAM, Asus P5B-VM motherboard, a 250 gig WD Caviar HD with 16 megs cache, a Fortron 400 PSU and a basic ATX case. All in all it cost me about 469 euros, which is pretty decent where I live.

I intend to take a 160 gig HD from my old DAW to be used as the new ones system disk, and devote the WD totally to audio. Uhh, can't wait til' friday when the parts come :)