Who's going to the LA or Anaheim Arch/Nevermore shows?


Sep 14, 2001
I'll be at both the LA and Anaheim Nevermore/Arch Enemy / Chimaira shows. So if any of you see me, you better say hi. Or flip me off. Or ignore me.:u-huh:
MetalSteph said:
I'll be at both the LA and Anaheim Nevermore/Arch Enemy / Chimaira shows. So if any of you see me, you better say hi. Or flip me off. Or ignore me.:u-huh:

i'll give you a big hug if i do get to go. none of that missing out on their shows ever again :rolleyes:. i've loved nevermore before i've loved other things in life. :rock:
well i dunno how you look like, but i will be going to the San Diego and the LA show. Don't think i'll go to the anaheim one or else it will become 4 days straight of metal shows. not a bad thing...but it might a bit too much.
I dunno if i'll go to Ozzfest cause the lineup sucks this year, but i say that every year and i've never missed it. Here's pix of me so all of you can say hey fucker at the Socal shows. I'll probably have a camera as well.



that is a cute avatar! Jeff looks great there...
MetalSteph, Im not going this year but my friend is going to the SoCal (San Bernadino?) show this year...Ill make sure he says hi to you on my behalf :D