who's going to the seattle show?

so im guessing nobody on this forum lives in or near seattle then huh? guess i'll be there and you wont. WISH YOU WERE HERE"and if you choose to live this way i'll count the days till your gone" (sorry listing to nevermore) but anyways ill be thinking about all you fans while im in the middle of the pit T MINUS 15 DAYS 20 HOURS 55 MINUTES TILL D-DAY
You guys from seattle

My Pal sez from around Stanley Park area there is a train or some shit that will bring us in to US Seattle.If you can help me out and verify any of this it would be very appriciated before I spend $700
on airfair and have to deal with them layed back pricks in Vancouver...
i know theres a train station down town (amtrack) right buy safeco feild and the new seahawks stadium but im not sure what the runs are and " graceland" is on eastlake ave (109 eastlake ave seattle washington 98 something or another)
YEA JUST KEEP UNREGISTERED so what if they suck i could care less fuck the seahawks they never been anygood but i got nevermore before here befor your lame ass get's them mothafucka
Originally posted by dead_fetus
you all need to be sure to show up early and catch my band, Myiasis. We open at 8pm :)
sounds good to me ill be there early i didnt get a chance to go see ya up at jimmy z's i think i was to fucking drunk to walk up there