whos got a special edition cd?


New Metal Member
May 23, 2004
I read that the symphony x special editions were all 1 long freakin track. And you couldnt skip.

I read this on cdnow I think, and by only one reviewer so maybe it was there problem, but I need to know for sure before I order any special editions.

Which special editions, exactly?

Could you post a link, because none of mine have a problem with skipping from track to track.
I just want to make sure we're talking about the same special editions I have. Seeing the cover art would be a huge help.
I have the Special Edition version of DWoT and TiO and I can say that neither of the albums are "one single track." I can skip between the tracks.

The DWoT in my sig is the special edition cover.
on the topic : in my s/t special edition album 2 things are mispelled. it says rapture OF pain and into the DEMENTA. and another mistake is in my live on the edge of forever booklet it spells romeo's name micheal.
I think--seriously, because I've seen the same things from album to album--there are a few words that the Symphony X members simply do not know how to spell.

One of those is "lose", which they always spell "loose"...which a lot of people do. There are a few others, but that's the one I keep seeing over and over again.
It's not the band members..many people are involved in the process of getting cd liners done, there are entirely too many chances for mistakes to get through. InsideOut simply needs to do better proofreading, when all's said and done, because that's where the buck stops, when they approve the final proof before it's printed.
Whoops...sorry. :(

BTW, if you want to see really bad proofreading, check out Morningrise by Opeth. Somebody at the label actually managed to mess up the spine of the album...it says "Mornigrise"!!!
Rose Immortal said:
Whoops...sorry. :(

BTW, if you want to see really bad proofreading, check out Morningrise by Opeth. Somebody at the label actually managed to mess up the spine of the album...it says "Mornigrise"!!!

right you are!

it's a good job they completely power smash the whole music industry to bits with their unrivaled greatness :D
Metropolis Part 2 said:
I Own Damnation Game Special Edition- Its not really THAT GREAT, but its still Good. I would rather have the older cover, cause the sexy illustration is LARGER

It does look cool in my cd case having similar themed album covers though.
Hmm...I actually didn't care for the way the cover illustration on Damnation Game. The woman's face just does not look right, sorry...
by the way.... did anyone else read the liner notes in the limited edition of the odyssey? for wicked is says "the opening riff is in 13 "maybe it says b but i always play that riff in d.
I have the special edition (or maybe limited edition) of the Odyssey, and it doesn't have any weird technical malfunctions like that.