my band's just starting on our second song, with our new vocalist. its pretty awesome. we only have maybe a minute and a half of it so far, and were turning this into one of those loooong ones. (around 10 minutes were hoping, but whatever sounds the best) its a concept song, too. kinda dark sounding. a little more dark sounding than i expected, but its still good. im hopin to lighten it up a bit. I get a drum solo towards the end, with an awesome guitar/vocal harmony over it. once we get this one done, we're headin' into the studio (coughPrelude-To-An-End'sbasementcough) to record our first song and this one, since theres a 2 part thing goin on. we're lookin at sometime in the summer for this. everything is goin real well with the new singer, ...when he wakes up in time for practice, that is

. were all writing like crazy, its gonna be a good one.
Also, theres some talk about a *classical medley*. i've started some of it already, by making Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata Movement 3 into the most unbelievable Neo-classical song ever. Alla Turca (8 finger tapping, watch out romeo! lol) is in there, and other Mozart stuff that i forget the names of right now. theres gonna be more, and WE STILL NEED A FUNNY NAME FOR THIS!!! ...every medley that we do has a funny name (SX medley = honor thy fat), if anyone has any suggestions for names or additional classical pieces, they are more than welcome!