whos' the numbnutz that says grindcore ain't metal?

LOL - feel I should clarify here - I simply said on the RC forum - doesn't it bother anyone else that grindcore discussions are being moved to the non-metal forum? Surely modern grind is a lot closer to metal than punk these days? I didn't call for a flame war to start (although admittedly, I nearly burst my colon laughing when, predictably enough, one did), I just expressed a bit of confusion. Shit, if I knew I had such influence before, I'd have started my own version of the Third Reich by now... LOL

Sorry for the hassle GoD, you're doing a decent job of a pretty much unmanagable forum here. :D
dill_the_devil said:
LOL - feel I should clarify here - I simply said on the RC forum - doesn't it bother anyone else that grindcore discussions are being moved to the non-metal forum? Surely modern grind is a lot closer to metal than punk these days? I didn't call for a flame war to start (although admittedly, I nearly burst my colon laughing when, predictably enough, one did), I just expressed a bit of confusion. Shit, if I knew I had such influence before, I'd have started my own version of the Third Reich by now... LOL

Sorry for the hassle GoD, you're doing a decent job of a pretty much unmanagable forum here. :D

Not a problem, my only real reason for contesting this is the fact that it applies to a time about 6 months ago when my moderating was quite a bit more 'anal'. 'Tis a bit out of date.
I suspect that the average age of the UM user is 15. I've never seen so much whining about such an innocuous authority. There are hardly any topics locked and no one gets banned. That spic Terrifier is the worst offender. Shut the fuck up, you cunts.

Anyway, early Napalm Death is far closer to HC than any metal. Clean the come out of your ears, shithead.
See, this is the kind of shit we aren't needing, either.
I suspect that the average age of the UM user is 15. I've never seen so much whining about such an innocuous authority. There are hardly any topics locked and no one gets banned. That spic Terrifier is the worst offender. Shut the fuck up, you cunts.

Unlike most people on here that's just my problem... not enough locking/banning/etc... I didn't even know a mod existed until I noticed the stickied rules thread at the top.
Jean-Pierre said:
Dodens Grav said:
GoD has been a great moderator. Fuck you faggots.

Which is kinda funny, cause I originally started posting on GMD to make his job harder. Of course, this was back in GoD's "Man, I wish my black metal e-wang was as big as Demiurge's" days, and my "Jesus fuck I have nothing to do with my life, time for six pages of gloriously cheesy fantasy on M-A's bandwidth" days, which was a bad combination.

I think there's some kind of "Mornelithe Falconsbane/Demiurge Wannabe Spirit" which possesses one metal poster at all time. It was in GoD's brain for a while, and now it's moved on to Cynical. We can only wait and see who's next.
I like both Mornelithe and Demiurge - it's the third-rate wannabes that piss me off.

Anyway, I don't even like grindcore, I just wanted to insult GoD for being a CS noob ^_^
I prefer something which involves skill rather than hide and seek :)

ut2k4's where it's at, yo
O and I don't actually hate CS, it's pretty fun - I haven't been able to play since I uninstalled HL2 due to its fucking engine error whenever I tried to play...might install it again :/
Bleh... I use to play it alot but now I've switched to something more interesting and productive. Guitar :D
I describe grindcore as someone putting a tape recorder next to a blender for 15 seconds. You'll occasionally hear the chop, but it'll be over in a second. Not much originality, but then again, I love homemade banana shakes.
You people just don't know where to look for the good grind bands. As with every other genre in music, you have to sift through the shit to find the gems.