Who's using LePou plugins?

Tommy Evans

Jul 19, 2011
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Been reading about/trying out some LePou amp sims and can't really get any decent tones from any of them. (lecto, 456, Legion)

Lots of people use these so I'm sure they don't all completely suck.

If you've used these or like any of them, care to give some pointers? I'm trying to branch out into something different from POD. I've tried recording my real amp but yeesh, that thing sounds like LePoop!

Clips using LePou sims would be sweet too.
question, just downloaded LeCto and Le456.
never done this before, so laugh if you want haha, but what's a good cab simulator for mac?
and please don't lmgtfy.com me or tell me to search, that's usually worse than someone just suggesting something :)

question, just downloaded LeCto and Le456.
never done this before, so laugh if you want haha, but what's a good cab simulator for mac?
and please don't lmgtfy.com me or tell me to search, that's usually worse than someone just suggesting something :)


i just got into using impulses and shtuff im on mac, i use logic

i downloaded lepous plugins for mac for the heads,
and redwire cab impulses but you need to use a loader like LAconvolver for mac to load the impuse cabs, also use gods cab its free
Has anyone one else had trouble getting the redwirez impulses to sound punchy? :\ It's weird. I'm a guitar player, and I have a good ear for guitar tone, but I can never get guitars to sound how I want them on recordings.
Mesa OS Cab SM57 Cap Edge 0.5-2 inches away are the ones that sound best

I personally really liked, either the Mesa OS sm7 cap 2 inch blended with either a u87 or r121 also on the cone, or the same ones on the orange cab, depending on what guitar I was using. I liked the orange cab a little more with my guitar that had passives...but i'm in the process of install emg's into that one. We'll see how that goes!
I recently switched from Revalver MkIII + Recabinet 3 to LePou + Recabinet 3. The LePou plugs are really great if you ask me. As long as you treat the settings as though you would treat the settings on a real amp you should be able to dial in some great tones. So far I'm super happy with the Le456, LeGion, and HyBrit plugs in particular.