who's watching the metallica thingy on mtv?

Sum 41 did the best out of all of them. The guy may have cut out the memorable lick from For Whom The Bell Tolls but at least he played the solo from Puppets; it's more than any of the other bands did.
Lina said:
All the "fire" is gone from Hetfield's voice now.

The song from St. Anger just makes them sound like a million other bands. *shrugs*

I thought load and reload did a pretty good job establishing that fact.
I couldn't believe how terrible the covers were. Seriously...Limp Bizkit, Snoop Dogg, and Korn especially. One of the Korn guitarists pulled off the first solo in "One" dead-on. The other guy fucked up a few times on the second one, and the drummer had trouble with the double bass part towards the end.

I was sitting there like "I hope they play the cool solos at the end." Of course, they didn't. I was expecting too much out of Korn's guitarists, but then I remembered that they were terrible. :lol: