Why a lack of interest in playing U.S. and Canada shows?


Jun 1, 2002
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Hey all,

I'm just so confused about why Testament hardly plays U.S. and Canada anymore? They have only played a few shows here and there over the past few years but hardly anything else. Just a few gigs in places like New York and Virginia but hardly anything more than that. Yes I know that Europe is awesome and I can't blame them for playing there 95% of the time in the past 3 years but I know that thousands of fans here in North America want to see the reunion of Testament as well. What's even more confusing is that Alex, Greg, and Louie all live in New York City which makes touring the east coast so much easier. All Chuck and Eric got to do is fly out east and meet their fellow band members and take it from there. Come on guys don't leave us starving out here. Only 2 gigs in New York State with Nuclear Assault. What ever happened to Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Montreal, and all the other cities that have been waiting several years for a show.
I know how u feel I live in Denver and they were out here 3 to 4 times a year back before chuck got sick but then I could not see them cause I wasnt 21.But now 6 years later I dont think they even did a show in colorado i just wish they would do a tour even if its not the original line up I just really want to see Testament.
The crowds in Europe are larger than the States but mainly because of the diversity with the band line-ups. I find the U.S. tours are missing that important element. For instance, I wouldn't mind seeing a Testament, InFlames, and Dimmu Borgir tour but the chances are slime in the States for whatever reason. However, you get those kind of bills in Europe with all their awesome festivals. The No Mercy Tour in 2003 was a crazy line-up! That's exactly what we need here.
Most metal fans in the US don't like diverse tour lineups. they will watch the band they came for but go to the smoking or merch area while other bands perform.

Plus, America is way larger than most of Europe. It is hard to do a full US tour. They should do at least some dates but then again, people in America aren't as likely to be willing to travel alittle bit to see a gig like most Europeans do when a show doesn't hit their exact town they live in.:Smug:
Yeah, that is strange enough `cus America is one big country with no borders so it shouldn`t be so difficult to travel from state to state for a show...
You see, over the past, bands who toured Europe had shows in big and famous countries (like G.B., France, Germany, Italy, Austria) so it is normal for a person who comes form a small country like Croatia, or Slovenia, or Slovakia, or Belgium etc. to go to other country to see their fave band... So infact, even if you know the language of country that you tour, you have to speak english `cus a half of the audiance are from other country....
Oh yeah, most of the metalheads in Europe listen to all metal genres not only one or two... :Spin:
well, there are alot of us in North america who listen to many genres. Heck, I listen to grind, gore, death, thrash, prog, power, black for example.

well, it might be easier to go from one state to another but our country is much bigger from west to east or east to west than if you were to put alot of europe together.

I thought I read somewhere that Germany is the size of New York alone.

European bands doing their first full US tour always mention of how large the US is.

We don't have cool cheap transportation like you do in Europe where you can hop on a train and get places semi fast. If you travel in the US, you pretty much have to fly as even if we had a killer train system, it would take forever to get somewhere due to the size of our country.
I understand as I have lived in Europe for 3 years.

The east coast of the US is alittle easier to travel to multiple concerts but where I live in Arizona. I would have to go 6 hours to Albuquerque, 6 hours to LA, 5 hours to San Diego.

I am more willing to travel than most people though as I have money to do so for rare exclusive gigs but alot of people can't get around even if they wanted.

It is awesome that the cities are very close over there and that you have cool ways of transportation to get to all those close cities. It isn't the same over here though. Plane trips get expensive.
Larf03 said:
I've had to catch Testament while they were in germany and I'm from quebec, that says it all...

Haha, good stuff man. There's some diehard Testament fans in Quebec it seems.:headbang:
I went to see them at Dynamo in may. :D Was fucking great.
But i'd love to see them in Montreal though.
Crossing the entire state of Rhode Island by car takes about two hours. Yet, reisdents will often insist they cannot do roundtrips within its borders in a single day and refuse to go much of anywhere. A similar attitude crops up at Metal shows.
For instance, Strapping Young Lad has toured for their last two albums in the Spring. So they wound up playing the New England Metal and Hardcore festival in Worcester, Massachusetts twice. Right around that time their tours stopped in upstate New York. So I opted to travel twice the distance to get double the set time. Now even if i offer to drive the entire time and pick people up, I'd be hardpressed to find people to split gas costs with.
My brother lives in California. He said to me that he went to some show at the Concord Pavilion.....and Testament was like the welcome committee. They didn't have a spot at the show . Instead, they were one some platform at the entrance ...and passerbyers just got to glance at them as the walked by. WTF? Thats 20 miles from Oakland.....their hometown. I wouldn't play here either if thats the kind of crap they have to endure. :ill: