Why are high volume nice?


Metal addict
Sep 13, 2002
And it is necessary! You cannot listen to 747 (HMT) with a low volume, it is almost annoying.

High volume, why is it great? Too high isn't good (or comfortable), but the volume that isn't low and not too high, that's the good volume.

Which song's playing is pretty relevant too, would you enjoy some redneck banjo music with a techno beat on ultra high volume? Maybe not you guys on this board but.. you get the point.. :)

Some tunes just need to have the pinch of a little bit more, and the solos sometimes need some more power.
Do you have these sort of habits too?
Yeah Crusader I agree, listening to The Eagle has Landed at A high volume is a definate must.

"Mine goes to eleven" :)

Crusader said:
And it is necessary! You cannot listen to 747 (HMT) with a low volume, it is almost annoying.

High volume, why is it great? Too high isn't good (or comfortable), but the volume that isn't low and not too high, that's the good volume.

Which song's playing is pretty relevant too, would you enjoy some redneck banjo music with a techno beat on ultra high volume? Maybe not you guys on this board but.. you get the point.. :)

Some tunes just need to have the pinch of a little bit more, and the solos sometimes need some more power.
Do you have these sort of habits too?