Tube amp volume question


New Metal Member
Feb 3, 2016
Hello! I have these few questions about tube amps (volume basically) used in recording situations. I have this one amp Randall V2. I'ts a 400 watt hybrid amp with two solid state channels (clean and overdrive) and one tube channel for modern high gain overdrive. I have been recording non-professional stuff for many years now and one thing I have noticed in tube amps is that they really like the cranking to the max (at least almost to the max). My amp has a separate master volume that controls all the channels (obviously). So this next question may feel stupid to you, but does the master volume on this amp mean that I can crank the tubes to the max (gain and channel volume) and low down the master and still achieve this great saturated high-driven tube sound without playing too loud? Since this is a hybrid amp, I'm not that sure how it actually works. Recording would get a whole lot easier if I wouldn't need to crank the amp master volume to 11. I also think there might be something wrong with the amp. In standby you usually can hear something from the amp, but it's really quiet. Lately though the standby has gotten pretty loud. It's almost the same if I use the standby or not. So that's pretty weird, huh?