Why can't i like Blackwater Park?


Supervillain Outcast
Jun 14, 2003
Elysian (corn)Fields
Ok, i keep reading about how it's uncool to BWP, and how "the last thing we need is another bwp fanboy". I don't get it, what is so wrong with this album? And why can't we like it as much if not more than the others?
Opeth is my favorite band, period.

BWP is my favorite album, period.

The Drapery Falls is my favorite song, period.

....all signs point to BWP :)

I just wish they would play The FUneral Portrait live.
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metalmancpa said:
Opeth is my favorite band, period.

BWP is my favorite album, period.

The Drapery Falls is my favorite song, period.

....all signs point to BWP :)

I just wish they would play The FUneral Portrait live.
Cool, \m/ \m/

I love the disclaimer lol
AceRoccola said:
Ok, i keep reading about how it's uncool to BWP, and how "the last thing we need is another bwp fanboy". I don't get it, what is so wrong with this album? And why can't we like it as much if not more than the others?

This stubborn phenomena has been around for quite some time. Many bands have experienced it. When a band releases material with little promotion other than self-promotion, a particular, fanatical fan base is accumulated. Often, only after this fan base is amassed, record companies will start to take notice of the band's marketability. With the added exposure created by the record label, the band will gain new followers. The original fanatics will turn to fatuous agendas to downplay the success that the band has found with the extended fan base.

The idea, however, is entirely unproductive and can serve no real purpose aside from asinine appeals to ones own ego. Any performer, from Opeth to Metallica to Elvis recognizes and appreciates the original fans, whom without they would enjoy no success. Whether or not they choose to appeal to that crowd is entirely out of their control, though.

In the case of Opeth, the success of Blackwater Park, particularly in America, rattled the cages of the beastly fanatics and they in turn unjustly labelled the album as something of a downfall, or a sellout.

What can you do, though? Respect the original fans and listen to what they have to say. If you are a new fan in particular, you likely would not've known about Opeth without them. Keep your own mind, just the same.
AceRoccola said:
Ok, i keep reading about how it's uncool to BWP, and how "the last thing we need is another bwp fanboy". I don't get it, what is so wrong with this album? And why can't we like it as much if not more than the others?

If you simply must know, it's due to the fact that BWP was the primary album that bought Opeth into the 'Big Time' circulation (at least as far as Metal is concerned, that is)

Now forgive me for being a little cynical here... but you'll find that the below is the mentality that is calling all the BWP 'angst':

As we all know, every metal head HATES a 'sellout', unfortunatley, so metal head flakes lose site of the tr00 definition of a 'sellout', just because a succesive album in an artists discography far outsell's previous efforts, DOES NOT make it a 'sellout'.

Opeth didn't significantly change there musical stylings between releases to 'please the masses'... yet some people seem to lost sight of that sometimes.

So what all us 'veterans' ended up with was a whole lot of 'Opeth N00bs' who's first (and sometimes only) experience with Opeth was BWP.

Not only does this mean that we had to put with a whole influx of 'Opeth Fanboys' that loved BWP with a passion, but often hadn't even heard the previous albums....... And we all know how annoying it is when someone heaps praise on something above all others without even having experienced what else was available.

I have more to say, but the correct words don't seem to be forthcoming at the moment, so.... Meh. *Shrugs*

You will find deep-down that the original 'Opeth Fanatics' actually REALLY like BWP... but they're sick of hearing n00bs preach that it's Opeth's best release... which it obviously isn't.
squeemu said:
Blackwater Park is a wonderful album. At times it's my favorite by Opeth. It just depends upon what I'm in the mood for.
Same here 99% of teh time its my favorite Opeth album. Its got the best and most grooved out riffs, next to MAYH it has the best lyrics. It has the best songs, as well as the best composed songs. The atmosphere and teh production is amazing. Just a great damn album.
Well, I think Deliverance is my favourite..! Am I a fanboy? Deliverance is their heaviest I think, and it's full of great riffs.
Blackwater Park is the best Opeth song though IMO.
Morfiend said:
Blackwater Park is f'n great and I'm not afraid to admit that it got me into the band.

Same here , and it rules . Hail to Opeth and BWFuckinPark \m/
Blackwater park was the album that got me into opeth but ive got 4 opeth albums so far (still life, damnation, blackwater park, morningrise) and i may be alone here but my favourite is still life, not denying the quality of blackwater park though, it is still excellent but still life does a bit more for me