reason for blackwater park

bleed for me

Sep 9, 2001
Brooklyn, NY
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i've seen "best opeth album" polls and all of them show that you guys think that blackwater park is the least favourite of them all and i was wondering why.

blackwater park is actually my favourite album

i can see in terms of song writing and musically why blackwater park is lagging behind the other 4 albums but i think blackwater park has the most enjoyable songs and are easy to immediately get into and even listen to them over and over they just keep getting better. the lyrics in BWP are also my fav. even though its tempting to say that SL annd MAYH are the best simply because it's a concept album

i also heard that the band only practiced twice before recording the songs...this could mean that subconciously you guys feel that Opeth are slacking off and are put off by that...

well all Opeth albums rule but BWP is my fav. followed by morningrise
BWP has something the others lack, and lacks something the others have. Hey, that means it's different, just like all the others were. Personally it's my favorite. It's been a very regular play since I got it (almost a year ago), which is more than I can say for any other album I own.

I understand why someone would say it's not as good if I imagine where they're coming from. There's more structure to the songs, quite a bit less folk parts compared to Still Life, and it's just somehow easier to get into. There seem to be people here who are afraid that any sort of structure or repetition in a song will instantly turn it to shitty pop music.

But to me, the music itself on this album is more visual than before. The riffs and leads feel more emotional, and Mikael gives his best vocals yet. Though I guess that's expected since it's their latest work. BWP is as musically rich as any of Opeth's other work. The bass is seriously good too. Somehow I figured Mikael just wrote it for the most part, but I read somewhere that Martin wrote all of the bass himself on BWP. I've got a whole new respect for him.

Anyway, that's just me. I love all of the albums but this one does something one little notch higher for me. The long review here basically sums it up for me. . I liked how that guy did the review like he was doing a classical composer or something. It's applicable.

BWP is also my favorite. For one, I think it has the best production, which makes the music stand out a bit more. It incites the most emotion in me - I guess emotion is my Opeth meter, and BWP peask it the most [but the difference between Opeth albums #1 and #5 is so slight, that it may take only one note of one song to catipult my least favorite Opeth album to my favorite]
i don't have a least favourite but i do have a favourite and its not blackwater park ...... MORNINGRISE is the best recording in musical history :)
Cant decide between Blackwater Park and My arms, Your Hearse... they offer 2 different sounds...

but blackwater park came at a time in my life were i really needed it... and i have been listening to it every day since it was released, has helped me alot i guess.. + its a damn good album :)
i also heard that the band only practiced twice before recording the songs...this could mean that subconciously you guys feel that Opeth are slacking off and are put off by that...

they practiced twice before the recording of Still Life. After that they somehow though it was not they rehearsed three times before the recording of BWP. Maybe that's why BWP is your fav :)
Originally posted by bleed for me
i've seen "best opeth album" polls and all of them show that you guys think that blackwater park is the least favourite of them all and i was wondering why.

well i dont know how many of these polls theres been since ive been here, and well to tell you the truth i think ive pretty much voted for a different album each time, and im sure the others have too. not many people here love one album more than the others. anyway i think i voted for morningrise or BWP, cant remember.
I like BWP better than the others :)

To me, it has a better coherency (SP?) and I really love the feel to it. The other albums are a bit "warmer".....this one is.......Bleak :)
in a good way, I mean
Originally posted by bleed for me
i've seen "best opeth album" polls and all of them show that you guys think that blackwater park is the least favourite of them all and i was wondering why.

From what I've gotten from the polls, it seems that bwp over all is the favorite I mean it's never the best on on the poll but it's usually close to either second or third.

I personally like them all and would shoot someone if they took any of my opeth albums.
Originally posted by Hondo
But to me, the music itself on this album is more visual than before. The riffs and leads feel more emotional, and Mikael gives his best vocals yet. Though I guess that's expected since it's their latest work. BWP is as musically rich as any of Opeth's other work. The bass is seriously good too. Somehow I figured Mikael just wrote it for the most part, but I read somewhere that Martin wrote all of the bass himself on BWP. I've got a whole new respect for him.

Anyway, that's just me. I love all of the albums but this one does something one little notch higher for me. The long review here basically sums it up for me. . I liked how that guy did the review like he was doing a classical composer or something. It's applicable.

Hey, thanks for liking my review ! :) Yeah, the bass lines on Bleak and other songs are quite inventive. And the "visual" part is the most important thing for me, in that album, including of course the brilliant artwork. Well, my opinions are in the review so I won't repeat them for the gadzillionth time, at least for now. :loco:

D Mullholand
yea...i forgot to mention that the vocals are the best i've seen anywhere (clean and growling) and the bass is quite really sticks out at the right moment, blends in when it needs to and who can forget the popping part in "blackwater parK"...the improvising is quite good too and isn't over done
when Blackwater Park first came out i thought it was the best thing id ever heard, better than Still Life and MAYH and i was amazed. How could a band actually write something better than my favourite album Still Life???..................

But since then its dropped down my list of favourites and hasnt gone back up! i dont know what happened, it just didnt last as long as the other albums did.

For me personally the only thing is it doesnt hold together as an album in my mind, well not as much as the other albums do. With BP it just seems like skipping a song wouldnt be so blasphemous, but then again maybe thats a result of me not liking it so much, not a cause. Who knows. Im sure one day itll hit the right spot again!! :)

having said that, i can still say how in many areas it is better than other opeth albums (the atmosphere the guitars creates with all the high notes and shit, the clean vocals, the production etc)

and The Drapery Falls is still one of my favourite ever songs, amazing stuff
yea...very atmospheric...some of the best production i've seen...the guitar feedback is used quite well and everything blends in together

and i love how in the heavy parts you can still hear the acoustics guitar: the pick hitting the strings....sounds awesome
and i love how in the heavy parts you can still hear the acoustics guitar: the pick hitting the strings....sounds awesome
i listened to The Drapery Falls through a fucking amazing pair of speakers, best ive ever heard, and the fucking acoustic guitar noise sounded so fucking good. It was, it was..... uhhhhh... :sigh:
It's funny how if I ever hum the beginning of The Drapery Falls, it's not the main melody but the bass part that I hum. It's not conscious, that just stuck with me more. And that part on BWP, yeah. It sounds like he's just slapping the hell out of it, then after a couple bars it just goes crazy and I can't even follow it.

I'm not going to go as far as to say '....worst Opeth album....', but will instead go with '.........leastest-bestest-opeth-album', to do otherwise would be blasphemy.

Anyways, IMHO it's because BWP doesn't seem to have any 'Stand-Out' Songs like the rest of the albums... It could actually be fair to say that with BWP ALL THE SONGS ARE EQUALLY BRILLLIANT, which makes BWP on the whole APPEAR to be very 'average' Opeth.