Holy Crap! Blackwater Park


Apr 13, 2001
Hey guys, this is my first post on this board - so I'll get straight into it.

Opeth Blackwater Park
I've had this albums for many months now, but after a few early listens it was thrown into the 'Who Cares' department of my CD collection. In the past week I've pulled it and to give it a better listen and I have to say that I am mighty impressed.

It was probably the vocals that pushed me away to begin with but now I can see past them. The complexity of Blackwater Park is outstanding and I'd go as far this album is as musically in-depth as Dream Theater's Scenes From A Memory.
The average length of the song also make it hard to get into, but before long it's clear that 10 minutes tracks really allows the music to mature, although I remain adamant that 26 minutes is fucking ridiculous. (see Transatlantic)

My favourite tracks at the moment are; (in no particular order)
The Leper Affinity
The Drapery Falls
Dirge For November
The Funeral Portrait
Patters In The Ivy
Blackwater Park

Could anyone please tell me how this compares to the other Opeth albums?

Sydo :)
well, Still Life is the one that is most simular to BWP... then there is My Arms Your Hearse...
but those who are the best are Orchid and Morningrise, the two first ones... they have more really great acoustic parts, and are just great!! :grin:

and btw. there is a 20min long song on Morningrise, Black Rose Immortal. genius song!!
Originally posted by HellSpawn
there is a 20min long song on Morningrise, Black Rose Immortal. genius song!!

:o I may have spoken too soon. ;)

Thanks for the info
Be careful - I can sense you've entered the realm of Opeth. Once in, you can't get out, no matter how hard you try (not that you'd want to get out anyways). You will find yourself magnating back to Opeth over and over again.:)
What if I told you it's still only their fourth best? ;)

You're in for a ride! Get them in reverse chronological order preferably, starting with Still Life. That album is a complete jaw-dropper, more melodic than BWP but quite similar in style otherwise. It's also a concept album, in case you're into Dream Theater's similar experiments... Not that the rest aren't as good, but they are perhaps not as immediate - then again after those 10+ listens you're hooked forever. This depth is the beauty of Opeth...I can't think of any other metal bands who come even close in creating moods and emotions in me. My Arms Your Hearse, Still Life and Morningrise would be my three favorite albums of all time, it's just like an another world or something.

...eh, and welcome! :)
Thanks heaps for the advice. :) I really want to get another album soon, so I'll start looking about for Still Life or My Arms Your Hearse.
I saw MAYH when I was last in Melbourne, I should have picked it up then but I was sort of still in two minds about Opeth then.

Cheers. :D
I personally was a little dissapointed with morningrise. I think its their worst album, its very bad recorded with extreme low bass and Johan Der falla seems to be totally gone beacause his bass doesnt fit the music. I think that orchid is better recorded even though it was their first one.

The later stuff is magnificent :grin:

And I dont mean that morningrise is a bad album I just think that it is Opeths worst. Compared to other bands morningrise is great!
I also believe that the recording of Morningrise is bad, BUT I put that disc on to focus on the bass playing and I think that it is AMAZING!
That just goes to show you that everyone is different.

Enjoy the moment.......
Originally posted by Sputnik
I personally was a little dissapointed with morningrise. I think its their worst album, its very bad recorded with extreme low bass and Johan Der falla seems to be totally gone beacause his bass doesnt fit the music. I think that orchid is better recorded even though it was their first one.

:eek: Listen to iton repeat untill you understand it! Thats what I thought at first...