Why did Sam leave??

It blows my mind to think someone would split from a band like MOTW. It would be one thing if it was just an average run of the mill band, but this is Maudlin we're talking about here for christ sake!
I'm not going off on the guy, I'm sure there was a reason, but still....MOTW has managed to create some of the most interesting/creative/eclectic music EVER known to man, and to be able to walk away from that....FUCK!!

I'm going to guess that it was either a girl or a job.
Originally posted by The Angry Robot
It blows my mind to think someone would split from a band like MOTW. It would be one thing if it was just an average run of the mill band, but this is Maudlin we're talking about here for christ sake!
I'm not going off on the guy, I'm sure there was a reason, but still....MOTW has managed to create some of the most interesting/creative/eclectic music EVER known to man, and to be able to walk away from that....FUCK!!

I'm going to guess that it was either a girl or a job.

Well, you're partially right in the A column. I moved to CA with my girlf. And yes she is awesome. Of course it was hard to leave the band. That's like three years of my life I committed in great part to motW. I got to do some pretty amazing stuff and make some pretty amazing music. I wanted to just go to Milwaukee Metal Fest for a few years, and the first time I go I'm playing it! And so's King Diamond! That rules.

But it got time to prioritize and here I am. That's not to say that motW wasn't important, just other things were.

I used to feel this way about people leaving my favorite bands, but you don't know until you've done it, you know?

Poll: Who things motW should move to San Diego?
Me: aye
thanks for the info (FalseTodd). May your future be as kick-ass as your drum skills.

I've been kicking myself ever since I found out Maudlin was in need of a drummer. I learned to beat the skins at a pretty young age but didn't stick with it long enough because I wanted to be a guitar hero instead. I got a kit about a year ago but I'm not anywhere near the level that Maudlin needs.
I'm going to need a few more years guys.
hey Angry Robot, our ex-drummer D is in a band in Nashville right now called Second Generation of Blue.

If you happen to see them playing, go check out their show (yeah, it's bar-pop) and ask D if he is a manatee.