why do people actually care about stratovarius this much

and what up with the new singer...


(This interview was conducted by a journalist close to the band)

The new line up was announced on Thursday. It´s all over the media and quite surprising for many people it seems.How do you feel about the reaction?

TT: It is quite surprising. I have received about 20 emails, where my life has been threatened directly. Be them real or not, it surely doesn´t feel nice. I am sure the amount of hatred doesn´t feel nice for MissK neither, who has just joined STRATOVARIUS.
preppy they are a power metal band who people know have been rehashing the same songs for the last like five albums or so and have gotten stagnant and predictable so the main guy has fired a couple people and has made this huge media spectacle of himself to get people interested in the band again. its really really sad.

people are actually convinced that the stabbing was staged and never happened and that it is all a hoax. or self-inflicted.
I'd be the asshole who turns the music up 30 seconds into your speech to get you the fuck off the stage.

maybe the attacker didn't even know who Stratovarius is andhe was just offended by that totally weak hourglass tat.
i probably could make a cannibal corpse joke about that picture of the girl singer based on the song "i cum blood" but the exact phrasing just isn't there.

and i don't care if she were giving blowjobs for free, i wouldn't put my junk anywhere near that mouth.
also, i mean doesn't everyone know by now that no matter WHO you are, if you wear leather pants for a day you're going to stink like crazy when you take them off? what is she thinking? i mean, seriously. christ! someone get that girl some cotton already.