Why do people be mean?


New Metal Member
Oct 24, 2002
Why do you all be mean??

People need to be nice...like pastry...supple and smooth....mmmm....i have craving :)

Who wants to talk to me?? you can be nice!

i don't like people reply and say 'you fucking idiot who like pie...shut up you idiot!', please do not :cry:
you fucking idiot who like pie...shut up you idiot!
I am afraid although I have deep love of the pie I am not even liking 'cornish pastries', in fact I don't know what they are! i am shamed for I am expert on pie who do not even know this 'cornish!!!'ARGGHH!!. I am afraid I am a bit closed mind because I mostly like just ordinary boring mince and cheese. But they are not boring!! They are best flavour because seafood pie alway taste bad...to me...I am connosier of eating the pie and I tell you that the bakery down my street....their seafood pie taste like VOMIT! I serious. Egg and cheese and ham pie is often a good wake me up....and apple pie...mmmm, they are good but with no cheese I always just say 'who need that!?' Hahaha!! you get what I mean, you felt it too I know ;)

You hurt my feelings yayyogakk, i was saying DO NOT and you DOO DOO (haha, little joke) :lol:
Cornish pasties are the king of pies. History lesson: they were first used in the English county of Cornwall, by the miners. Because the miners would get very dirty down in the mines, the Cornish pasties had a very hard crust on one side of the pasty - this was where the miner would hold the pasty while eating, thus not getting any dirt on the main body of the pasty. Once the pasty was eaten, the hard crust would be discarded, having fulfilled its duty. But the real beauty of the Cornish pasty is the filling - meat at one end, and jam/fruit at the other. This was also because of the miners' dirty fingers, and also to save the miners taking too much down the mine with them.
HAHAHAHA!!! OH MY GOD!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

They are the coolest I have ever SEEN with my eyes, EVER!!!!!
Oh....man they love the pie!!! I love them too, oh thank you 7 dying trees, thank you...I have hard time in my life and you make it worth living, ......I wish I was as cool as weebl, he is the shit he know pie!
Originally posted by rustymetal
I no longer consider you a human being. This is the last thing I will ever say to you: You are scum.