Why should I be bothered if a guy...


Apr 20, 2001
a. has a nice and expensive car?

b. has a well paid job but he isnt of my "class" (in education i mean)?

c.(a bit similar with the previous one) has a very well paid job but this job is not of my taste because I suspect that with the one or the other way he will forse me to be part of it.(for examble he's got a restaurant and have me to do the dishes 'yuck' :lol: )

d. has much property but he's an idiot.

e.is "educated" and ambitious but he's an ass- kisser

f. is wealthy and cute but has nasty manners (and cheats on you)

g. is not the one I love but he has qualities like money and "name"

h. has just a job a car and a flat and to find him for not spending the rest of my life alone.(of course to be a person that you can put up with)

Well those are just some ideas, some criterios that it seems that the most "average" girls put instead to find a guy to have a constant relation or get married...

the whole thing it makes me sick. well I wouldn't really bother what others doing unless a friend of mine who thinks in that way didnt try to meet me any guy she knows with such quallities, for just me having a boyfriend? The idea of have as a boyfriend one of those guys I'd met so far makes me sick as they are so far away from my personal taste.

besides who told her that I wanna find a constant affair right now? :rolleyes:
She, and other girls say that I'm not gonna be "fixed" disatisfied and they kinda had told me "who do you think you are" and the other nice thing that I had mentioned once that "god will punish you for your arrogance and you'll stay alone!"

In the past I have tried to avoid such kinds of meetings (as in some cases I was in some embarasing situations- Iv at least you, you know what i'm talking about!) and I still sniffing when it's to go out with a guy even "as friends" when any of those girls are the ones that have made the conection. Cos anyway i have enough male friends to go out and talk if I want to. But as I dont keep going some times I have other kind of stories and commends.

Thank good that most of my friends are far of that logic. But what can i do if the people I meet every day and it seems many average people have that way of thinking?

Guys I need some help!
Angel, you are right. why should you care about that? i've never understood why people do things lik that, marry some because they look good or have a lot of money etc. i'd only marry someone if i loved them deeply and they loved me deeply. you're right to tell them what you do/did, in my opinion. marriage/love are very very important things. they have to be earnt not bought. those people who say "god will make you pay for your arrogance" are the ones who will pay, if indeed there is a god. they are the ones who will die unhappy and "alone". no one has a right to tell you what you do/think is wrong because no one has lived their life perviously so they can't say whether or not doing one thing or another is right or wrong. the way i see it, it's your life so live it how you want. maybe it won't turn out the way you expect/want, but no one can say you were/are wrong just for doing what you want. Stand up for you beliefs and don't let people tell you they are wrong. (there are exceptions to this, but the essence of the statement is correct, in my opinion). :hug:

It's like i've always felt: why should i want a woman because she is good looking if she is stupid and a really really nasty person?

anyway, this is just my opinion, so i'm not saying it's right or wrong, but this is what i think.
Thanks slashy!

Indeed. This is what happens... I dont bother anymore about what they say but sometimes I really feel fed up their preaching. Besides I dont think that I will aproove anything to myself if I start drifting around with any guy I might fish around.

I cant know if I'll end up alone. But I actually prefer that than wasting my time with someone that I dont care about. All my close friends I really love they are far away from me! I mean I had lived a life with. Honestly I would want to spend sometime with them. I have to see face to face the girl I call my best friend for more than a year, we have changed phonecalls but we both were "too busy" but that doesnt mean I feel less for her. I love her the same way I used to. Her presence is still around. And those other 3 people I love ofcourse (besides my family mebers). The other one luckily is in the same uni, the same classes, with the other I had the chanse to meet her many times durning the summer. About the 4th person if I'm dead or alive that makes it the same thing I think.He almost never contacts me! :sad: But anyway...

Why did I mentioned my friends you might thinking. Because it's all I have. No matter if myself I'm a bit frigid to them but my feelings are deep for them. Adding to that, I'm a person that can hardly live in peacewith the others in her surounding enviroment. So if I ever find a person that would share my life with, must be something MORE than someone that I would just have in my house and just make me bear kids and thinks that he's the master of my life or sth. Or someone that would have to live me...

All the other "friends" and "boyfriends" are just passing by people. Sad sometimes but true. And one day they fade. And if they are still around your life becomes a nightmare with those people because you have reached the point of your patience with them.

So what would I do myself if i have my sis telling me that I'll marry at least the 3 times (the others are gonna be political wddings) If I follow my "friends" advises or I'm gonna bankrupt due to weddings or I'll become rich due to my husbands! :lol: :lol:
I dont think I get properly what you said... But anyway, whatever it is you have to dare I guess and be brave...