
Psychonaut said:
I get jealous. I've mellowed with age, though. I used to fly off the handle big time if I suspected there were ulterior motives.

Example: I was living in Idaho for a while. A girl I was dating came up to me and told me she was going to fuck one of my best friends that night and "not to be too mad". I talked with my friend and he said he was going to fuck her. Well, chicks shouldn't come between good friends so I went home (she was living with me) and threw ALL of her shit out into about 10 inches of snow. The next morning I was awakened by her outside crying and digging her stuff out of the snow. Slut.

I think you did the right thing because that is really shit, (very honest) but really shit, what the fuck was she playing at telling you she was gonna sleep with your best friend, p.s did she , i'm curious :err:
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luckily none of my ex boyfriends - nor my actual one - gave me reasons to be jealous. i think jealousy is to be highly avoided, for many good reasons:
1) if you're jealous that doesn't prevent your partner to cheat on you;
2) if you're jealous you suffer like hell;
3) you can't expect your partner to give you lots of trust and freedom if you don't give him plenty;
4) i swear there was at least another reason, mmmh, damn.

Psychonaut said:
Example: I was living in Idaho for a while. A girl I was dating came up to me and told me she was going to fuck one of my best friends that night and "not to be too mad". I talked with my friend and he said he was going to fuck her. Well, chicks shouldn't come between good friends so I went home (she was living with me) and threw ALL of her shit out into about 10 inches of snow. The next morning I was awakened by her outside crying and digging her stuff out of the snow. Slut.
that's not being jealous. that's being reasonable ;)
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mourningstar said:
luckily none of my ex boyfriends - nor my actual one - gave me reasons to be jealous. i think jealousy is to be highly avoided, for many good reasons:
1) if you're jealous that doesn't prevent your partner to cheat on you;
2) if you're jealous you suffer like hell;
3) you can't expect your partner to give you lots of trust and freedom if you don't give him plenty;
4) i swear there was at least another reason, mmmh, damn.
I agree with you there (surprisingly :D)
If you get jealous, that shows that something in your relation is going wrong. With the person you love and trust most in this world, that should be rather easy to fix or to talk out, and you really should talk about it, because otherwise you're building up either rage or mistrust inside you, which is gonna kill the relation sooner or later.
Well... so far for my unexperienced, idealized view on this... :p
question to the audience: other than your partners, is there anything else you're jealous of?

Northern Viking said:
I agree with you there (surprisingly :D)
*pats his back* ;)
Wow seems like there are more jealous ppl than non here.:Smug:

I never really get jealous, it really has to be something bad to get me going. I never understood jealousy. For me like said before, the only reason to be jealous is because you got a problem with trusting ppl or maybe you secretly know that if you were in a certain situation that you would cheat on your mate, there for you assume that they would do the same.

just a thought
wow .. all of your opinions were VERY insiteful ... I for 1 just got out of a relationship controled by jealousy ... and fuckin-a ... i went psycho because she was all over these other guys ... i wanted to kill them but i would have felt like an ass if i did ... because they were the 1s not doing anything back. thats sad when you can trust the person your girlfriend is all over more than herself. But she admited that she DID cheat on me and I went psycho ... i slit my wrist in front of her and told her that she hurts me more than i did.(i slit my wrist enough to bleed ... not die) So i broke up w/ her and i feel SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better.
fuck jealousy ... it makes me feel dirty and it hurt me more than her.
Weapon X said:
Wow seems like there are more jealous ppl than non here.:Smug:

I never really get jealous, it really has to be something bad to get me going. I never understood jealousy. For me like said before, the only reason to be jealous is because you got a problem with trusting ppl or maybe you secretly know that if you were in a certain situation that you would cheat on your mate, there for you assume that they would do the same.

just a thought
I agree.

wow .. all of your opinions were VERY insiteful ... I for 1 just got out of a relationship controled by jealousy ... and fuckin-a ... i went psycho because she was all over these other guys ... i wanted to kill them but i would have felt like an ass if i did ... because they were the 1s not doing anything back. thats sad when you can trust the person your girlfriend is all over more than herself. But she admited that she DID cheat on me and I went psycho ... i slit my wrist in front of her and told her that she hurts me more than i did.(i slit my wrist enough to bleed ... not die) So i broke up w/ her and i feel SOOOOOOOOOOOO much better.
fuck jealousy ... it makes me feel dirty and it hurt me more than her.
Now, this is something that i would never do. Even if she feels bad at the moment, she'll end up not giving a fuck anyway. I simply would've broken up with her and start looking for other women :D
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Psychonaut said:
I get jealous. I've mellowed with age, though. I used to fly off the handle big time if I suspected there were ulterior motives.

Example: I was living in Idaho for a while. A girl I was dating came up to me and told me she was going to fuck one of my best friends that night and "not to be too mad". I talked with my friend and he said he was going to fuck her. Well, chicks shouldn't come between good friends so I went home (she was living with me) and threw ALL of her shit out into about 10 inches of snow. The next morning I was awakened by her outside crying and digging her stuff out of the snow. Slut.

What. The. Fuck? :guh:

dude, there's some fucked-up people in Idaho!
A lot of good points and interesting comments.

@Psychonaut, congrats. You did the RIGHT thing.

@Profanity, how can you always be so wrong? :guh: That was rehtorical, please DON'T answer that.

Jealousy is an emotion just about everyone will feel at one time or another, and it's rooted by an insecurity...

If you can't deal with other guys looking over your girlfriend, or if a girl is bothered by their man liking another woman, then you're gonna have some tough times, because, there will always be an attraction for someone "else" during times of the relationship. There will always be moments where something could possibly happen. To overlook this or be angry or jealous about it is just self-destructive.

If you can't trust your bf/gf in the same room alone with someone attractive to them and of the opposite sex, then you shouldn't be in a committed relationship with them PERIOD.

NOTHING about jealousy is a good thing. It's a pain that one person feels... a fucked up combination of worry, angst, envy, impatience, unhappiness, paranoia, depression and others, and with some people blinding rage, anger and a host of other very negative feelings.

I almost forgot to mention how it affects the other person in a relationship. It's very stressful and heartbreaking. You always think about what you're going to do and how it will affect your jealous partner. You're always walking on eggshells and eventually start figuring out what makes your partner jealous, so you start lying about those things. It's a very vicious cycle, being on either end of a Jealous relationship. If the person doesn't truly love you, then you crush them. If they don't, they often do things that will make you jealous on purpose. It's one of the worst human emotions/feelings. It does nothing positive.

The best one can do is to try to occupy their time doing something else... distract themselves, reassure themselves that their thoughts are betraying them. There are legitimate reasons to feel somewhat jealous, but when it is uncontrolled it destroys relationships and people's lives.

I'm a very jealous person by nature, and at times have felt it so bad in my chest and body that it was a physically dehibilitating.

I've worked on it for a long time, and it caused a number of relationships to dissappear. Not just between partners, but friends too.

If I knew what I know now, I would have sought counseling. Not that I was destructive or hurtful, just cause I didn't need to figure out how to deal with it alone trial and error style.
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Susie said:
I think you did the right thing because that is really shit, (very honest) but really shit, what the fuck was she playing at telling you she was gonna sleep with your best friend, p.s did she , i'm curious :err:
Yes, she did. And she got what she deserved. Last I heard she was living with a skinhead that knocked her around. Not sure she deserves that but she doesn't need to be happy for a while.
Where the hell did this myth originate in today's society, that one who is concious of a cheating partner is committing some kind of sin by being jealous and angry?

Fuck that.
Ultimate_Symphony said:
I agree.

Now, this is something that i would never do. Even if she feels bad at the moment, she'll end up not giving a fuck anyway. I simply would've broken up with her and start looking for other women :D

Well ... the only reason I did what I did was because we were a very sadistic couple ... and i just like to cut myself >sorta freakish :( <
Hm, interesting topic. Unfortunately, I've had some jealousy issues, however they're usually warranted to some extent....but as someone said jealousy comes partially from insecurity, and me...well, what can I say? I have a low self-esteem, and really don't know what people see in me when it comes to relationships, so I have to grapple with this, and end up taking things that are said the wrong way, and this causes problems. Then again, when my main issue with jealousy comes in is when someone I'm currently with tells me, "I need to go see "X person"" or "I need to quit talking to you and ignore you for a while to go see "X person"" when I know that "X person" and they're pretty much a worthless shitbag that's a waste of life. That aggravates the living hell out of me when someone I've cared for ignores me to go talk to some worthless asshole.(especially if I've helped them out in the past as a friend because of that person fucking them up emotionally, which has happened before several times) At that point, jealousy kicks in and I'm pissed as hell. Well, I suppose you just have to try to focus jealousy positively, or at the least, keep yourself from doing something too extreme. My rant kind of lost it's structure I suppose, so I guess I'll stop here...heh.
himsa said:
Well ... the only reason I did what I did was because we were a very sadistic couple ... and i just like to cut myself >sorta freakish :( <
Oh, hehehe. You guys liked to throw some drama in the relationship :D