Why do you ike Anathema?

they just hit the right buttons

"Character Weaknesses
Cruelty, viciousness, as expressed in mockery and putdowns.
Immaturity, as expressed in "games playing", blame laying, whining.
Superficiality, as expressed in vanity, flightiness (short attention span), pettiness.
Lacking in intelligence.
Lacking in wisdom and common sense.
Lacking in integrity and basic honesty.
Lacking in compassion and generosity.
Lacking in inner strength (courage).
A woman displaying one or more of these traits has a flawed personality, and should be considered a high-risk partner, even for a short-term relationship. "
Allan said:
I googled "inner suffer" and ended up here: http://personal.riverusers.com/~thegrendel/hmw12.html oddness.
"Avoid entanglements with married women, for very commonsense reasons. Not only might you be undermining a family relationship, perhaps hurting children in the process, but you run the risk of encountering an angry, and possibly armed husband." :yow:

"A man and a women exchange glances, perhaps smile at each other wistfully. He would like to talk with her. Unfortunately, they are seated in a New York subway car, and strangers just don't approach one another in that setting. An opportunity irrevocably lost.*
* Lost, but perhaps not irretrievably. If you just happened to be wearing a T-shirt with your e-mail address colorfully emblazoned on it, you might find an interesting message from her waiting on your computer. A pullover or even a dress shirt with the e-mail address tastefully embroidered over the breast pocket works, too, though it would not be as easily visible. This is an example of how even a seemingly hopeless situation can sometimes by salvaged by ingenuity and foresight..."
Give it a try, Allan! :tickled:
Why do i love these guys, great mood inspiring music with shades of darkness and a hint of light. And That voice a beacon, like a sirens call leading us form depression, or into it depending on the song (damn i'm in a poetic mood tonight)
Cerulean said:
Cos they wrote At One With the Earth. I'm so tr00 and kvlt that I don't own or haven't listened to any of their stuff released after the All Faith Is Lost demo. That makes me the tr00est fan they'll ever have. Do they still play music similar to the first 2 demos?
hahaha post of the day
only one single track (that is "alternative 4") is enough to make someone like anathema. i wish there were more songs like that on that album. thats one really weird, fucked-up atmosphere on that song. or take "empty"...now those two songs are killers. did you have any more songs of that kind that didnt get to be on alternative 4? can we expect something of that kind from deathcap? maybe even weirder?
Is it possible to say why i do like such band?
That's mostly thanks to the emotions created, but that's so cliché to say it...
I'd say that i feel better when listening to Anathema that's all.
Don Corleone said:
only one single track (that is "alternative 4") is enough to make someone like anathema. i wish there were more songs like that on that album. thats one really weird, fucked-up atmosphere on that song. or take "empty"...now those two songs are killers. did you have any more songs of that kind that didnt get to be on alternative 4? can we expect something of that kind from deathcap? maybe even weirder?
The Deathcap stuff is on that side of the fence for sure