Why do you ike Anathema?

Strangelight said:

For some reason, this site intro reminded me of the oh-so-mysterious Deathcap logo... o_O
Allan said:
"Character Weaknesses
Cruelty, viciousness, as expressed in mockery and putdowns.
Immaturity, as expressed in "games playing", blame laying, whining.
Superficiality, as expressed in vanity, flightiness (short attention span), pettiness.
Lacking in intelligence.
Lacking in wisdom and common sense.
Lacking in integrity and basic honesty.
Lacking in compassion and generosity.
Lacking in inner strength (courage).
A woman displaying one or more of these traits has a flawed personality, and should be considered a high-risk partner, even for a short-term relationship. "

deffo, even for half an hour