Why does it take so long...

Aug 11, 2002
...to release the new album?
According to the Studio Diary on Cobhc.com only vocals and solos are missing, so once they recorded it they put all the songs together (a week? and it wud already be too much), clean the soung (2 weeks? still too much for this operation, but i want to think that they'll do such a clear and digital sound it will take them 2 weeks to clean the songs), start mastering and producing the cds (one month? still too much, they'll be able to do 10000 cds per day more or less...) and then the cd is ready to ship... in early november....
obviously, those are just speculations based on nothing but the Studio Diary and for what i know it cud be far more complicated than what i said to produce a cd, but if it's so y does it take so long to ship the new cd?
Some labels are bitches and like to make people wait for cds...... my friend Ron who is in the band aurora borealis says that their new cd is already finished being recorded and they have a ton of them pressed but the label wont release it until next year....