So how does the actual band sit with this album? Are they pleased? It seems like they don't play a lot of the material live.

At least for me, after 2 years of the album your opinion on what are actually the most interesting songs kind of changes. They did play Blooddrunk and One Day You Will Cry this April. Hellhounds they also play.

Overall I do agree. They're not playing Lobodomy and never will. Smilex could be considered a rarity (probably never played again) and Tie My Rope the band doesn't really like. Banned from Heaven they don't consider as good as Everytime or Angels, I guess.. And the other two songs on the album suck.

I think that sums up pretty good.
Thanks for the info. It has been a few years since I followed them closely and only occasionally listened to Blooddrunk.

I still the same I do from the first listen. Blooddrunk and Hellhounds are the two best tracks with One Day You Will Cry and Smilex coming close behind but much like AYDY there aren't those same moments like on Hatebreeder and FtR that having me coming back for more and more. I still like Blooddrunk but maybe not as much anymore.
And some more points... Alexi is the only one who likes Tie My Rope, that's what he said. Done was a trouble child since its birth and took some force to wrench something worth listen out of it... Roadkill Morning was once Alexi's favourite, but no further comments on it have been made, and never played live. I don't know what's wrong with people who love it more than the other songs, but that's my biased opinion..

The guitars in Blooddrunk are imo used too much just for creating heaviness, and then that is compensated with some distinct keyboard parts. Maybe they used to do more atmospheric stuff with the guitar on the green and blue album, for example the first riff on Silent Night and the verse on Follow the Reaper..

This is kind of what Hypocrisy does basically all the time, and why I was pissed the gig with Alexi didn't happen, as it would've certainly affected him and that was supposed to be right before starting the new album composions. I'm still seriously disappointed it didn't happen, for me it would've been epic to see Alexi playing to songs like Roswell 47 etc. This is what kind of results things can possibly have - they had trouble on the airport deciding how Peter is pronounced. Hypothethically that could've determined the style of the next COB album! (Altough I have my own theory on why they canceled the tour, but maybe inappropriate to weld publicly such things.)
I was upset when that Hypocrisy gig with Alexi never happened. It would have been the perfect influence for Alexi. It would have been just what he needed to get Children of Bodom back on track. I don't know where the influences for this album will be coming from but Alexi never strays far from his "american influences" so I have no doubt the album will continue the trend of the last ones. I'm not expecting any atmospheric guitar chords like Downfall or riffs like Silent Night...

This tour with Black Label Society won't bring any good. I don't know if he has played with Zakk before but I would have rather seen Peter give Alexi a slap back to metal reality than drinking whiskey with Zakk. I'm not one for the American metal scene or lifestyle and I hate to see a band that made HB and FtR get even more involved in it. arrgghh...
I would have rather seen Peter give Alexi a slap back to metal reality than drinking whiskey with Zakk

Amen. The endless touring and whisky has sort of thrusted Alexi's thinking into a different freguency. The reason I like atmosphere in metal is it invigorates your own mind, "taking you to another place." But Blooddrunk still has more atmosphere (thanks to the keyboard parts) than Hatecrew Deathroll.

Why make dull, pointless riffs one after another, when you could make atmospheric riffs and still make cool music?

I'm not expecting anyone to give a sensible answer to that, it's just one of the mysteries of the world that just are and cannot be explained.
I personally think blooddrunk was just as good as any of their other albums, but people keep on saying shit about how their older albums were better. At least they didnt end up like in flames.
I was upset when that Hypocrisy gig with Alexi never happened. It would have been the perfect influence for Alexi. It would have been just what he needed to get Children of Bodom back on track. I don't know where the influences for this album will be coming from but Alexi never strays far from his "american influences" so I have no doubt the album will continue the trend of the last ones. I'm not expecting any atmospheric guitar chords like Downfall or riffs like Silent Night...

This tour with Black Label Society won't bring any good. I don't know if he has played with Zakk before but I would have rather seen Peter give Alexi a slap back to metal reality than drinking whiskey with Zakk. I'm not one for the American metal scene or lifestyle and I hate to see a band that made HB and FtR get even more involved in it. arrgghh...

Whats wrong with the American metal scene? I find some of the best bands coming out of the USA.

The reason Alexi is following his American influences is because thats basically what he grew up listening to. If that's what he likes then basically what he writes is influenced by it. Even when he made HB and FtR he still had his American influences. If he didn't have the influences that he has had who knows how any of the albums he wrote would have turned out.

And what do you mean back on track? They are more popular and make more money now than they ever had in the past. To me that seems like they are on track.

I think what you really mean is they need to get back on track to suit what you want out of an album as oppossed to what you think the album will sound like based off of the lastest albums.
That was in the 80's :lol: You can count good new American bands with two hands.

Come to think of it....all the metal bands I listen to are from the 80's or early 90's. Most of them anyways.

I could only count about 5-6 out of the newer bands, that I actually like and some of those aren't even metal (Tool for example)
Some of the new thrash bands coming from the US are really good, like Warbringer, Municipal Waste and Bonded By Blood. They have just as many good bands and bad bands as Europe, you just gotta know where to look.

also, IMO Done... was probably the best song on a pretty mediocre album, cool slower parts mixed with some badass thrashy stuff