@ CoCOB: Hell, I don't even think there's a chance of a live album. They just released one after AYDY, which makes their second; most bands rarely release more than one even. :lol:
^I know (if we take bands like Metallica or Iron Maiden out, but then they're out in their way so.... :lol:), but still they said that they'd like to make a new DVD, although I don't expect it before 2010 or so at least if it has to come out. I do think too that a live album in 2009 is quite improbable, but it's even less probable that a real album comes out. My reply wasn't a ''we'll get a live album'' kind of, but a ''they only chance'd be a live album'' but not like waiting for one so soon.
Well, the biggest change than would be a tour edition of blooddrunk or something with an extra DVD and FINALLY the suicidal tendencies cover.

But next year will be way too late for that.

With other words: It's plain bullshit:)
I think we can safely asume that we'd all like another DVD, as it means more material and I still have to meet a fan that doesn't want more stuff from the band he/she likes (well, maybe Metallica or Guns n Roses fans are so worried about what could come next that don't want more stuff :lol: but with normal bands that doesn't usually happen).
I'd almost rather them wait until their next album before doing a live DVD. That way there'd be a lot of new material between that and CRY. Of course, they could always do one before AND after, but who of us wouldn't want that. :p

That aside, though, we probably won't see a new album until they're doing touring and have taken some sort of break. Which means probably the end of 2009, and that's when they'd probably start. So, early 2010.

We'll just have to see, you never know with these things.
I think that the most we'll get between Blooddrunk and the next album will be maybe an EP or something like that, because although I'd love it I don't think they'd do a live album with only a new album out when they've just done one, and we've already had 2 singles and the 3rd one is on the way, so I don't think we'll get anything new from them until 2010 or so. But I won't complain if we do get something new before :D
I like to have them, and they sometimes have cool stuff, like IYF one had the fucking badass Oops I Did It Again cover (btw my collection lacks that single and it pisses me off, I really like it :().
Haha I have 2 versions of 4 of the IYF single, that is normal finnish single and dvd single, and those that I don't have are UK import single with knuckleduster and I think radio edit of IYF and the 12" vinyl with She is beautiful
^Ah, I have the normal AYDY version with no covers and the UK one I got this summer with Rebel Yell IIRC.

You can't find it or you just haven't bought it yet? I think normal Finnish version is out of print so it's harder to find but I can keep my eyes open if you want :)

I can't find it anywhere. It'd be great if you could help me with it because I'd like to have it.