:( I know, so unfair..hopefully it will end on youtube soon.
I'm glad Smile pretty For the Devil is their next single though. :D Good song!
Hey children of COB show this to your sis:

Apreciable hermana de Jose: Tendrias la gran amabilidad de por favor prestarle tu laptop a tu honorable hermano, para que de este modo el pueda hacer un enorme favor a este foro de discusion al grabar y subir el nuevo video de Children of Bodom, este proceso no llevaria mas de 15 minutos, de ser asi, cientos de personas te estarian agradecidos, por tu comprension y servicio, mil gracias.
God, those videos become more and more lame xD

Except for that, brilliant choise of song. I really like it, but still I feel it could do with some better mixing.
Hey children of COB show this to your sis:

Apreciable hermana de Jose: Tendrias la gran amabilidad de por favor prestarle tu laptop a tu honorable hermano, para que de este modo el pueda hacer un enorme favor a este foro de discusion al grabar y subir el nuevo video de Children of Bodom, este proceso no llevaria mas de 15 minutos, de ser asi, cientos de personas te estarian agradecidos, por tu comprension y servicio, mil gracias.


Ok people, do we still need the vid or you already have it? It's been a busy week and I haven't been able to download it still, but I think I can do it this week if it's still needed.
Yeah, I totally haven't been able to view the making of.
Would love to see it, have seen the video.
Its not that brilliant, it made me dizzy!!!!:goggly:

Thanks in advance...............for whenever you can do it!!! :)
I'm sorry people but I'm having some problems with the whole thing and it may take me a bit more time.

In case someone can help, I'm using Camtasia Studio 4 to rip it and the problem is IIRC that it can't find an audio/video (don't remember exactly) compressor and it doesn't allow me to record. I'll try to fix it and rip the thing.